Shameless Plug

Sep 14, 2007 17:00

In an effort to cushion our tight budget a little, I found a website that gives cash for completing offers (like the free iPod of yesteryear) The offers aren't terrific, but for the amount of cash, they're pretty good. They do require referrals though. This is where my shameless plug comes in....

I need 5 referrals to get $599. The awesome thing about this website is that you can change your prize before you claim it. I opted for $599 so I don't have to tell the IRS about it. (I assume that's why it isn't $600 even) Anyway, if any of you feel inclined to help me out, I'd sure appreciate it. If this isn't your thing, that's cool too. I understand completely. I used to be SO against these! I've been told by those "in the know" that this site is especially reputable and fast, for what it's worth.

/Shameless Plug
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