о психоанализе по-английски

Sep 30, 2013 14:50

Вот теперь можно смело сказать: "многие спрашивают меня, поэтому решил написать"... Перепощу тут тоже: я написал текст про психоанализ для группы Open Learning в Facebook. Надеюсь, получилось не слишком коряво. Комменты здесь и там приветствуются! С удовольствием обсужу. Тут по-русски, там по-английски.

At first, I supposed to write a text about lessons on reality and possibilities. The lessons that marked them off and showed me the limit of using the famous phrase: "You think that you can, or think that you don't -- you're right, anyway". Next time, if you don't mind.

This post is devoted to psychoanalysis. I practise it for two years, and it's a nice opportunity to explain you (and myself) what is it all about for me.

You know, psychoanalysis is just an art of asking the question 'why'? By the way, most time of the session a good analyst just helps you to ask it. Why do I feel fury about something? Why do I especially like some kind of women characters? Why do I feel very proud (or maybe like a piece of shit?) in this type of situations? Why do I need to play this computer game? And lots of other 'why's.

It sounds simple, but needs, on the one hand, a preparation for asking, and on the other hand, a correct method to find answer. You know, for asking 'why', you need bravery and frankness. Roughly speaking, you firstly ask: 'what', and only then: 'why'. What do I feel? What am I thinking about? Sounds simple again, but people usually don't want to think what they are thinking about. I suppose it's because the thoughts can be stupid, or unpleasant, or dirty, and they are ashamed of it. And so, you really need to show bravery and frankness in the face of your psychoanalyst. Surprisingly, it is easier than showing them in the face of youself.

The main way of holding the question 'why' is to follow your associations. You sholdn't be ashamed of them regardless of how stupid, unpleasant, and dirty they are: it makes no odds. The associations lead you to epiphany. The first insight that I gained on psychoanalysis (on the eleventh session) was an explanation of the associations chain that haunted me, but at a glance seemed chaotic.

These insights are the most happy moments during the whole therapy. Unfortunately, they are rare. And you see, most of these 'why's that I cited as an example are not too pleasant. What should I do when I realise the problem (and ask myself 'why'), if it is so unpleasant?

Not to worry. You just catch the feelings and thoughts in your Unconscious and bring them to your Conscious. And once you bring them to you Conscious (or: make them more conscious), you launch the Treating Machinery of Time. That's it.

The border between feelings and thoughts, conscious and unconscious is delicate. The insights are elusive. But worth trying, nevertheless.
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