Title: Even Juniors get Tired: A Shounen Club Special
virdantLength: 158 words; supershort
Rating: G
Genre: Crack. Junior-centric (but not really).
Pairing: None.
Summary: Shounen Club decides that they're going to put on a KAT-TUN medley. Johnny's Juniors have not-so-varied reactions.
Warning: A bad pun. I couldn't help myself. I apologize in advance.
Notes: I like KAT-TUN. I really do. Considering that the only JE band that I actively follow is KAT-TUN, I mean absolutely no offence by this fanfiction. Additionally, I also have no idea who any of those Johnny's Juniors are, so I just side-step that issue completely by never referring to them by name. And Question?'s name is ridiculous because there's punctuation, which drives my word processor batty.
Even Juniors get Tired
A Shounen Club Special
“This week we’re going to celebrate KAT-TUN,” the Shounen Club producer said, looking over the juniors slouched attentively before him.
A.B.C.-Z exchanged looks with KIS-MY-FT2, slow smiles beginning to spread on their faces. Question? whispered to each other gleefully.
The producer waited patiently.
A.B.C-Z raised their hands. “Question!” the exclaimed.
Question? perked up. “Us?”
KIS-MY-FT2 rolled their eyes.
The producer sighed and nodded towards A.B.C.-Z. “What’s your question?” He ignored Question? in the corner.
“Are we doing a special medley?” KIS-MY-FT2 nodded excitedly from where they sat next to A.B.C-Z.
The producer hesitated. “...Yes,” he muttered.
The juniors burst into raucous cheering. KIS-MY-FT2 slapped hands with A.B.C.-Z, their nonexistent rivalry forgotten for the moment. “Yes! Rock songs instead of bubblegum pop!” Question? shouted as they waved their instruments.
The producer glanced towards KIS-MY-FT2 and A.B.C.-Z. They had taken to hugging each other and jumping in glee.
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