Title: WTFERY or, How the PiKame fight really should have been like
virdantLength: 363 words; supershort
Rating: PG-13 for profanity
Genre: Crack.
Pairing: None. If you really want a pairing, then maybe Pikame/Akame/Pin/Akamepi/something involving those three people because those three are the only characters in this story.
Summary: Kame and Yamapi have a fight in the park.
Warning: Profanity. Mockery of a clearly very serious and intense fight which should be taken seriously and not at all twisted into this cracky shit.
Notes: You should not take this story seriously. Inspired by a random conversation with my roommate in which I said: "so apparently yamapi and kame had a fight in a park before," and my roommate said, "wtf?! You know what it should have been about? SHOES."
or, how the PiKame fight really should have been like
“Kame, I hate your shoes,” Yamapi said, looking down at Kame's utterly atrocious shoes from where they were standing in a park.
Kame stared at Yamapi. “You bastard,” he tried to say, but he just started tearing up instead, because what the fuck, he liked those shoes. He had spent all the money he had earned (by not going to high school and thus being unable to ever get a decent job) on those shoes.
Yamapi stared back at Kame, because Kame was starting to cry and that just made him want to cry because he was a Johnny's kid and even though he really wanted a cool image he had to learn how to cry on cue. And he didn't know what to say to make Kame stop crying-crying was totally not cool and he wanted to be cool-but mostly because Kame's shoes were really ugly; really, sometimes Kame's shoes were pretty bad, but these were just ridiculously bad.
Kame teared up harder. He sniffled too. That made Yamapi really feel his tear glands act up, because what the fuck, Kame was crying, even if that was totally gay that really made Yamapi feel like he was kicking a puppy and kicking puppies wasn't cool or manly.
Jin, sitting on a bench watching this soap opera, really had nothing to say because he was refining his manly image and he couldn't say anything when Kame and Yamapi were busy being gay at each other. It was really really hard being the manly one when your best friends had to do this in public.
Kame and Yamapi stared at each other with tears in their eyes before they pushed past each other and ran stumbling from the park.
Jin watched them go, partially impressed, because Yamapi and Kame were in sync for once in their entire career as Johnnys, but also partially horrified, because his best friends had just had a fight. In a public park. And it was starting to rain. And they had been crying. And now they were running. In the rain. While crying.
What the fuck.
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