Music of the Spheres is a study on the Original (Female) Character Genre in J&A. Each story is told from a separate person's point of view, and reflects a different concept. Music of the Spheres is R-rated at worst, but in general is PG-13.
Overall Summary:
Yamashita was tired when he almost ran over roommates Rebecca and Seira. Intrigued and feeling guilty over his mishap, he runs into Seira at his friend Jun's jewelry shop, and concludes that his meeting with Rebecca and Seira is fate interfering with his life--to what purpose, he's not sure.
Meanwhile Taguchi runs into Rebecca while at a conbini buying instant ramen. After a disagreement over who has a right to the ramen, they end up exchanging mailing addresses and starting a phone message exchange full of strange chemistry puns that results in Rebecca's face in the tabloids--which Yamashita sees.
Kamenashi has everything under control, until he sees Rebecca with Taguchi. Struggling to hold together KAT-TUN, he starts to drive Rebecca away from Taguchi, resorting to more and more drastic measures.
BrightSTAR by
reiicharuYamapi nearly runs someone over with his car. Fate decides to laugh at him.
Twinkle Twinkle by
virdant“You shouldn’t give out your number to strangers when you’re actually an idol, Taguchi-kun. It’s like Schrodinger's cat. You don’t know if bad stuff or good stuff will happen until it happens.”
Traveler in the Dark by
virdantThat night, Kamenashi dreamed again. This time, he was standing in Tokyo Dome, the lights off, a ball clutched in his hand. He felt his arm pull back, felt his weight shift, and waited for the ball to leave his hand and thud into the catcher's mitt. But there was no catcher, and instead of a steady swish-thud of leather hitting leather, there only a sharp twang as the ball crashed against a chain-link fence, and then he was awake.
Champagne Supernova
Star Stuff