Title: Social Networking
virdantLength: 695 words; super-short
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack,
Pairing: NONE
Summary: NEWS, on Facebook, as explained through Ryo. “I want real food, not fake food on the internet. FML,” Nishikido writes after he has ten requests from Massu and he no longer has the heart to keep ignoring them. // Koyama fucking likes his status. Massu comments with a bright: “Me too!!! :D” // Tegoshi not only likes his status, but he likes Massu's comment too. He also comments with a row of “♥♥♥”
Warning: Profanity
Content Critique Level: No Holds Barred
Notes: I don't even know. It's 6:35 and the sun is rising and I have yet to sleep.
Social Networking
Nishikido kinda hates Koyama.
Koyama is that douchebag on Nishikido's friends-list who doesn't know that clicking the like button is one of the stupidest things known to mankind because all it does it send a shitton of notifications out to the rest of the world.
And Koyama clicks the like button on every single post that pops up on his feed.
Every. Single. Fucking. Post.
Nishikido complains every time he gets a notification and it's “Koyama Keiichirou likes your status.” It means that every time Koyama logs onto facebook and Nishikido receives his obligatory notification, he changes his status to: “Facebook needs a dislike button. Or just get rid of the like button. FML.” and Koyama goes and likes that status too.
At least the rest of his friends aren't idiots who have finger twitches around blue links that happen to involve four words that start with the letter “L” and end with the letter “E.” Massu is just the idiot who keeps sending him requests to rescue some chicken in Farmville. And alien cows.
He blocks Farmville, but that doesn't stop him from seeing Massu's statuses of, “Adopt my chickn plz!”
Then Massu starts playing Restaurant City, and starts sending him ingredients for food.
Virtual ingredients.
“I want real food, not fake food on the internet. FML,” Nishikido writes after he has ten requests from Massu and he no longer has the heart to keep ignoring them.
Koyama fucking likes his status. Massu comments with a bright: “Me too!!! :D”
Tegoshi not only likes his status, but he likes Massu's comment too. He also comments with a row of “♥♥♥”
Tegoshi has more friends than the rest of them combined.
He also has more pictures than the rest of them combined-Yamashita has fangirls who take pictures of him and then tag him-so having a photo count that high is fairly impressive.
The fact that most of them are pictures taken from his Macbook's-a gift from Uchi-webcam has nothing to do with the fact that Tegoshi is a narcissistic bastard who can always get his way.
That also has nothing to do with the fact that Nishikido ends up attending every event that Tegoshi invites him to and ends up liking any page that Tegoshi suggests.
Just because their opinions happen to overlap doesn't mean that Tegoshi's a manipulative bastard with a penchant for getting what he wants.
That's more like Yamapi.
Yamapi is not only the most popular person that Nishikido knows-and that's grudgingly admitted, because Yamashita does not have more friends than him, it's a fluke, and people are just too awed of his presence to gather the courage to friend him, the great sexy Osaka Man.
Okay, so maybe Yamapi's pretty popular.
“Nishikido Ryo, let's go eat Yakiniku!” Yamapi says on his status, and fifteen people comment because Yamashita doesn't understand the meaning of posting on somebody else's wall.
Yamapi can get away with it too. Nishikido changes his status to, “Retards should learn the differences between statuses and wall posts. FML.” (He doesn't mention Yamapi's name, because Yamashita Tomohisa has mad fangirls who will maul him if he says anything bad about him, and he's too sexy to be mauled.)
Koyama likes his post. Tegoshi sends a line of hearts his way, and Shige leaves a woeful comment of: “I know the difference. O:”
Shige probably does know the difference, considering that every other day there's a new note filled with strange pictures and stranger writing, all of it signed by some Wagahai who is supposedly an invisible cat.
Nobody knows about Shige.
His friend-count is remarkably low, but everybody's is low compared to Tegoshi's.
Shige at least knows how to use facebook though, which explains why every single on of his notes has Yamashita Tomohisa tagged. Nishikido doesn't understand, however, why Shige only tags him in half of his notes.
“WORSHIP THE SEXY OSAKA MAN,” he sets as his status in a fit of pique. It goes ignored for several hours before Koyama likes it. And comments with a smiley face.
Nishikido decides: he kinda doesn't hate Koyama that much after all.
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