Well I decided I'd add to the posts in this community (90% of which are coming from me). So I'd like to share this with you all. Its an old poem about a junior in my math class that I USED to have a crush on. (Stress on the Past Tense) This was also alittle bit of a joke too so...ENJOY!
I have just created a new community in which to showcase lesbian literature and other forms of lesbian related art. The community is open to lesbians and bisexual women only and was created as a SAFE place in which you can gain other lesbian's opinions and comments on your work..
Okay everyone...I've noticed how there is an extreme lack of posting going on here...PLEASE TALK!!! THIS COMMUNITY IS FOR TALKING!!!! But yeah
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Alright ladies, I'd like to offically start this community with the first post!!! Muawha! As you might have been able to tell by the name this community is for Virginian lesbians, but if your not in Virginia I wont make a big deal out of you posting here...but I cant see why you'd want too...Anyway. This is it so...ENJOY