Title: Aftermath
Rating: PG for depressing
Summary: In the TARDIS after the first day of the Berserk plot, Yuan doesn't want to sleep alone.
Yuan stared at the wall of the bedroom he'd claimed for the night, and tried not to think, either about the horrors of the day, or the desperate sense of loss that had returned.
He was over it, really. It had been six months since Kratos had left, and he'd finally come out the other side of his grieving process. He'd resolved to walk forward once again, after being reminded by the fight against the spiders that there were still people here who needed his help, that he was alive here and now, that he truly and honestly didn't want to die yet, and all of this had finally let him put Kratos in the past where he belonged.
But that thought still stung, if he were to be perfectly honest, and all the more so on nights like this. When he knew only nightmares would come if he closed his eyes, when he'd come back from the most stressful day he'd had in so long, and...
He sighed, and finally relented on the admission. The worst part was coming back after a day like this, and having no one there to hold him. To pet his hair and murmur soft words in his ear until the horrors finally melted away, and they could sleep curled in each other's arms, safe if only for that brief moment...
He didn't need it, of course. He could get along, he could survive without that soothing touch.
It would have been nice, though.