Godot is kind of mostly crazy! But because he's usually just fully crazy, this is a vast improvement. Having Mia back in his life, and having her agree to go back with him if it's possible, is one of those things that's making him cling to his sanity a little tighter than usual. Mostly... he's fine in camp, just a little restless because of the lack of much of anything to do. He can relax and not worry about his crazy, convulted plots, and spend some time with his Kitten. The sex thing is kind of annoying, sure, but just being able to be with Mia again more than makes up for it. Overall, he's in a good place... for him. It's sort of like a crazy place for everyone else, but once again: it's an improvement.
DO SOMETHING WITH HIS COUNSELOR JOB, argh. I really need to get my ass into gear with this. He also needs to meet more people, specifically female counselors and pretty men he can make uncomfortable. I also want to deage him into Diego from that Dora the Explorer spinoff.
You know... looking back on my activity, I don't play Godot nearly as much as I think I do. And when I do play him, it's usually with castmates, and by castmates I mean Mia. The thing is, I lack any sort of confidence when it comes to playing Godot. He's the opposite of how I usually regard my characters. That is to say, I've got his motivation down, but I don't think I have the voice. There are a lot of personality quirks I don't play out with Godot, and the main one is the whole metaphor thing. I'm... really not good at making up metaphors, or even utilizing pre-existing ones, and I think I sound so lame when I try, so I rarely actually use them, which... is OOC, yes. This is something I've had trouble with since I apped him. Not sure how to fix it.
He'll get dropped when Mia gets dropped. No sooner, no later. I really want them to have their happy ending.
Kirijo Mitsuru
She's in a place that isn't super good, but isn't super bad. She feels useless, mostly. There isn't anything much to do in camp, and everything she tries to organize ends up failing, and Mitsuru just isn't used to failing, and the lack of order in camp really bothers her on that fundamental Kirijo level she operates on most of the time. She's still kind of sore from the people she was closest to leaving, even if it was ages ago now. And she's battling her feelings for Minato, especially in the face of him being seemingly close with others, and Yukari just confuses her, and she just doesn't know what's going on anymore, which is a big thing for Mitsuru, because she's used to being hyper-aware of everything and being the one with all the information. She feels like a weak leader because she cannot provide her team with direction at the moment.
Have her thread with the HYD cast more--bizarre rich kids? HOT DAMN, she'll feel right at home. Also, I want her to thread more with castmates. And maybe deage! I don't have any other plans, even vague ones, beyond that, because I'm content with Mitsuru just ninjaing around in comments.
Mitsuru is into everything, which makes her difficult for me to play, because I am such a passive player and cannot for the life of me do anything resembling planning or plotting. Most of what I perceive to be Mitsuru's OOCness comes from the fact that I have obvious deficiencies as a player, and... I don't know if I can fix them. But I do love playing her, she's become my primary. I should probably finish FES sometime soon though, huh? ALSO, Mitsuru is supposed to be kind of terrifying, but it's really hard to get that across in camp. I must work on that, too.
Not any time soon. I love Mitsuru, even despite my flawed playing of her. Like I said, she's become my primary.
Badou Nails
Badou has free food and a free place to stay and isn't worrying about much of anything these days. He's good.
I want to do another post where Badou takes embarrassing pictures of people and attempts to sell them. I also want him to run out of cigarettes and go on a rampage. Movie quotes post.
Naaaaaaaah. Badou's the only character I have left that I don't have to take seriously in any capacity, so he's sticking around.
Aoyagi Seimei
Tieria Erde
Tieria is all over the map. On one hand, he's happy because Lockon is here and a lot less dead than he is back home. On the other hand, much like Mitsuru, his life is lacking direction, and it's not something he can deal with gracefully. He misses VEDA and he misses The Plan, and he can't help but wonder what will become of the world in the absence of Celestial Being. Mostly, he's... confused. Lockon in particular is confusing him, especially after their last conversation. He isn't sure what he's feeling, or even what he's supposed to feel, because the idea of embracing these feelings is such a foreign concept to him, but he wants to keep trying.
TALK TO MORE PEOPLE. Be more moe. idk. Um... try to forcibly insert himself into the Stupid Sexy Cabin?
So very paranoid about Tieria. I hope I'm doing him justice, because he's the first character in a long time to grab me the way that he has. Also... playing him unnerves me because he is an asshole to so many people, and an unapologetic asshole at that, and I hope that people don't think (especially when I jump them out of nowhere) that his attitude in any way reflects mine. I'm also struggling with Tieria's relationship with Lockon. It isn't a desire for romance or sexual attraction, or anything like that, but I would call it love, and I'm not sure I'm right in thinking that. His feelings are highly open to interpretation, so I constantly worry I'm coming across as a shipper or something.
No. B|