christie: tutorial 004

Oct 25, 2006 13:01

A tutorial was requested for this icon:

Photoshop CS // Not Translatable // Uses Selective Coloring

  1. Your base, cap by oxoniensis.

  2. Duplicate twice and set both to screen.


  3. Create a new selective color adjustment layer.

    Cyan: -100 ; Yellow: +100

    Cyan: -100 ; Magenta: -10 ; Yellow: +100

    Cyan: +100 ; Yellow: -100 ; Black: +100

    Cyan: +100


  4. Now the skin is the right color, but I want the background to be less yellow. Create another selective color adjustment layer.

    Cyan: -100 ; Yellow: +100 ; Black: +100

    Cyan: +100 ; Magenta: -50 ; Yellow: -50

    Cyan: +100 ; Yellow: +100

    Cyan: +20 ; Yellow: -20


  5. Now we got the nice blue tones but lost the saturation. Create a hue/saturation adjustment layer. Kick the saturation up to +20.


  6. Create a new layer and stamp what you've done so far on this new layer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E. Duplicate this layer and set the duplicate to soft light. You're done!


Note: Depending on the icon, sometimes I blur the last softlight layer with a gaussian blur at 1.1 radius. It depends on the icon. This icon, with the blur, would look like this:

Other icons (with slightly different settings):

resources: tutorial, !neversince

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