Texture Guide

Dec 06, 2006 14:16

This is a texture guide, outlining how I use textures on my icons. It was requested, and I'm sorry it took so long to get it up, but I couldn't figure out how I was going to do it. Then I figured simple is best. So remember, this guide is for applying textures only. Tutorials on all manner of coloring are available everywhere on LJ these days. :)


Texture by blimey_icons. Rotated so the dark is at the top. Set to Multiply, 100% and erase the parts off her face and hair.



This is one of my favorite textures. :) It's by peachinparis. On both of these, it was set on Multiply, 100%. On the first one (from Jericho), I stamped a copy of the image after the texture was applied and set it to soft light.


Texture by lizabeth0606. The first one is set to Multiply, 100%. Then I duplicated it, set the duplicate to Hard Light, 100% and erased the right half of it to give a brighter blue on the left half of the icon.



Texture by loveicon. Both are set to Multiply, 100%. For the second one, I just made it bigger before I applied it, thus only using part of the texture.


The cloud texture, by lizabeth0606 is set to Screen 100%, then erased off of most of Niki's face and body. Niki is duplicated, and then the scratch texture, by blimey_icons is set to Pin Light, 100% and moved slightly so that it covers the messy part of the duplicated image.


Texture by gender. Set to Exclusion, 100%, erase anything that overlaps the white of the original icon.



Textures by elrawien. Set to Multiply, 100%.


A scratch texture that I made myself. Set to Screen, 40%.


Texture by elli, that I cropped and resized. Set to Multiply, 100%. The text was added after the texture.


First texture by gender. It is rotated and set to Multiply, 100%, then erased off of Dean and Sam, only leaving the top of the texture. Second texture by blimey_icons, set to Screen 100%.



Texture by elijahelectra. First icon, set to Multiply 57%. Second icon, set to Multiply, 100% and erased off of every part of the icon except the reflection in the window. After the texture in the second icon, I stamped a copy of all the layers I had and desaturated it, then set that copy to Soft Light.

resources: tutorial, !neversince

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