christie: tutorial 006

Jan 18, 2007 14:58

A tutorial was requested for this icon:

Difficulty: Easy // Photoshop Only // Uses Selective Coloring and Curves

01. Cropped base:

02. Open a new adjustment curves layer and input these settings. I've saved this setting as a default and I use it all the time to lighten dark caps. The settings are originally from a tutorial by pippins-mcgee13 and seriously, it's awesome.

Input: 117 Output: 205

03. Create a new layer on top of the curves layer and stamp visible (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E) onto it. Duplicate your stamped layer and set the duplicate to screen.

04. Create a new hue/saturation adjustment layer and set sautration to +36.

05. Create a new selective coloring adjustment layer. These were my settings. Obviously, they'll vary from picture to picture. I've been starting with neutrals first, because each color setting adjusts based on the current coloring of the image. So I find if I do neutrals first, I can control the amount of blue versus the red/yellow skin tones.

C: +34 Y: -21

C: -47 Y: +89

C: -100 Y: +100

B: +52

06. Create a new layer on top of the selective color layer and stamp visible (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E) onto it. Duplicate your stamped layer and set the duplicate to Soft Light, 100%. It's this layer that I sharpen or blur, depending on the cap. I probably sharpened this one since it's so far away.

07. I used this brush by sanami276 (found in this post). It's a light brush, so I stamped it five times to get it darker, but not quite 100% solid.

08. The text is PR8 Charade. You're finished.

resources: tutorial, !neversince

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