1. name: Eric
2. Birthday: October 2 1987
3. Current Location: Durham
4. Where else have you lived: West Haven
5. School/mascot/colors: CRHS/who the fuck cares
6. Zodiac sign: Libra
7. Shoe size: 12
8. Height: like 6'0"... or somewhere around there
9. Weight: ?
10. Pets: Cat, little brother
11. Siblings: Little brother
12. Eye color: Sometimes green
13. Hair color: Black
14. Hair lenth: Getting long
15. Ever died ur hair?: Yes
16. What color?: Orange
17. Grade: Sophomore
18. Are u good in school?: Yes, wait grade wise?
19. hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, playing bass
20. Nicknames: ... Alex if you wanna call me that
21. What languages do you speak? Ghetto, English, French (small)
22. Do you play sports?: Is hacky-sack a sport?
23. Where were you born?: Yale New Haven Hospital
24. Are you a night or a morning person? Night
25. Are you ticklish?: Yes, lol
26. Do you believe in God?: Yeah, too hard to believe theres nothing.
27. Do you have any other screen names?: Yes
28. What are they?: Tons, but none i go on.
29. Do you have braces?: No
30. Do you have glasses/contacts?: Yea.
*Getting Personal*
31. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Something.
32. What was the worst day of your life?: Why would you want to remember that anyway...
33. What is your most embarrassing story?: ... why would i tell you that?
34. What has been the best day of your life?: Day i drove a Ferrari maybe?
35. What comes first in your life?: Friends?
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
37. What are you most scared of?: Black people stealing my TV
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? what kind of shit is that?
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: If ill have a dream i remember
40. What do you regret the most?: Being lazy
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would you be?: ... successful?
42. Movie: Chronicles (is that how you spell it?)
43. Song: 2112 - Rush
44. Band/group: Rush
45. Store: Who the hell cares about that anyway?
46. Relative: Steve (cousin)
47. Sport: Hacky-sack haha
48. Vacation spot: Alaska
49. Ice cream flavor: Cookie-dough
50. Fruit: Mango- Its FORBIDEN. (bunn rofl)
51. Candy: ...Dunno, something w/o chocolate
52. Car: Saleen S7
53. Class: English
54. Holiday: Black History Month
55. Day of the week: Friday
56. Color: Green? Red?
57. Magazine: Something with fast cars
58. Name for a girl: Melony? (dunno how to spell it)
59. Name for a boy: Geddy
60. Sports team: Jets
61: Month: July
62. Man athlete: ... A really tall black man that makes a LOT of money for throwing a ball in a hole.
63. Female athlete: Not sure
64. Actress:
65. Actor: Dave Chappelle (Comedian?)
66. TV show: whatever im in the mood for
67. Web site: ClieSource, never failed to get an answer to a question
68. Animal: Cheetah?
69. E-mail: Fuckyourself@ImRickJamesBitch.com
70. Joke: Beat my dick like it owes me money. (ROFL BUNN!)
71. Saying: Holler?
72. Word: Nice (pronounced...noyce)
73. Brand of shoes: DC
74. Radio station: 99.1/106.9 (104.1 when it was alive)
75. Room in your house: My room or the basement
76. Concert you have been to: RUSH x 3
77. CD: 2112 - Rush
78. President: Anyone but Bush
79. Salad: ? Theres more than one?
80. Meat: Taco!
81. Pizza topping: Anything, and everything
82. State: Alaska
83. City: Montreal
84. Lake: Who the fuck cares
85. Ocean: Pacific
86. Place to be/thing to do: Anywhere, with my friends
87. Smell: Fresh pasta
88. Sound: Rush
89. Taste: I don't know
90. Feeling: Bass strings
91. College: Uconn
92. Number: 2
93. Book: Ghost Rider
95. Grandma: Wtf? Favorite?
96. Grandpa: Dead
97. Cereal: Catch me lucky Charms!
*In the past 24 hours have you..*
152. Had a serious talk?: Yes
153. Hugged someone? No
154. Fought with a friend? No
155. Cried? No
156. Laughed? Yes
157. Made someone laugh? I'd like to believe so
158. Bought something? No
159. Cut your hair? No
160. Felt stupid? No
161 talked to someone you love? Possibly
162. Missed someone? : Everyone i moved away from (That i liked)
*Have you ever..?*
163. Done drugs? No
164. Eaten an entire box of oreos?: No
165. Been dumped? Yes
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: Probably?
167. Watched punky brewster? No
168. Hiked a mountain? Yea yea
169. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? Yes
170. Been in love? You decide
171. Seen the White House?: No
172. Seen the Eiffel Tower? No
173. Tried smoking?: Yes
174. Drank alcohol?: Yes
175. Smoked marijuana?: No
176. Played monopoly? Yes
178. Seen Titanic? Yes
179. Kissed someone? Yes
181. Lost your virginity? No
182. Tried a weight loss program : Yes
183. Jumped on a trampoline? Yes (i have one...)
184. Visited another country? Yes
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? Yes
186. Had a bubble bath? Yes
187. Been on a plane? Yes
188. Been on a boat? Yes
189. Been on a train? Yes
190. Been in a car accident? Yes
191. Ridden an elephant? No
192. Made a web page? Yes
193. Played with Barbies? Yes
194. Stayed up all night? Yes
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: Yes
196. Broken a bone?: No
197. Called a pyschic or sex hotline? No
198. Watched Jerry Springer? Yes
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: Yes
200. Been afraid of the dark? Yes
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)?: Yes
202. Had stitches?: Yah Yah
203. Dumped someone and regretted it?: No
204. Went out with more than one person at a time?: No
205. Lied? Yes
206. Been arrested?: No
207. Fallen asleep in class?: No - close as fuck but still no
208. Used food for something other than to eat?: Yes
209. Met a celebrity?: Yes
210. Broken the law?: Yes
211. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?: no
212. Hated yourself?: Yes
213. Been brokenhearted?: Yes
214. Broken someone's heart?: Maybe?
215. Wanted to kill someone?: Yes - then realized i didnt
216. Fell off a chair?: Yes
218. Been in a fist fight?: Yes
219. Been in a cat fight? No
*Do You..*
220. Like to give hugs? Yes
221. Like to walk in the rain? Yes, all the time
222. Sleep with or without clothes on? How many articles of clothing are we talking about here?
223. Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
224. Dress up on halloween? Yes
225. Have a job? Not yet
226. Like to travel? Yes
227. Like someone? do they know? Yes, and no they don't
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: On my side
229. Think you're attractive?: Physically or intellectually?
230. Want to marry? who?: In the future, probably
231. Have a goldfish?: No
232. Ever have the falling dream?: Yes
233. Have stuffed animals?: Yes
234. Go on vacation?: often
235. Do you believe in the horoscopes: Yes
236. Do you like your handwriting: Yes
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: I would be myself - shit i like being me
238. What superhero would you be: a crappy one
239. Do you have any piercings: No
240. Any tattoos: No
241. If so where: Nowhere
242. If not, where and what do you want: Hate em!
243. Are you picky: At times
244. What makes you cry: Things that have to do with loss
245. What makes you mad: People who are fake
246. What do you think of Eminem: I don't like his brand of music, but I respect him... makes millions of dollars by rhyming words and creating beats
247. Who do you admire: Geddy Lee, Neil Peart
248. Do you like cartoons: Yes
249. Do you believe in the devil: Something has to run Dudleytown
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Montreal, again
251. What did you do today: Sat here
252. Where do you work: I don't have a job
254. Are your 'rents lame?: At times
255. Do you own a miniskirt: No
256. Do you floss: Yes
257. What is the farthest you have traveled: Alaska
258. Who is a diva: I don't know
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: Whatever's around for usage
260. What about conditioner: whats that?
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: I don't use big words to sound smart. I use big words in my daily vocabulary
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: i swear a lot anyway
263. Got milk: Yes
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: yep
265. Name something that comes in threes: ... yeah
266. Ever worn black nail polish: Yes
267. Do you have hairy arms: Well, there's hair on'em
268. How many sheets are on your bed: 2
269. Whats under your bed: loads of stuff i dont use, and cat throwup
270. Do you have your own tv and vcr: No VCR
271. Do you believe in fate: Yes
272. Do you see dead people: Yes
273. Are you a good speller: No
274. What is your lucky charm: none
275. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: whoever made this question needs to die.
276. Do you like little kids: They're cool- sometimes
277. Are you talented: I think so
278. If so, how: I can write at a level higher than that of regular human beings
279. Ever hugged a tree: No
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: Sometimes, depends
281. Do you ever steal anything from hotels: Hell yeah, Ironing board, glasses, sheets, Ect.
282. Ever seen a ghost: Yes
283. How about an alien: No
284. Do you beleive in either of them: Alien and ghost, but we wont find aliens, space is too vast.
*What do you think about...*
285. Abortion: I don't believe in taking lives
286. Bill Clinton: Better than bush
287. Smoking: Don't do it
288. Eating disorders: Food is good
289. Rap: If you like it, dont push it on me.
290. Jerry Springer: Cool guy
291. Suicide: It's your choice- personaly? No.
292. South Park: It's cool
293. Summer: Waiting for it
294. Tattoos: no - no god damn need
295. Peircings: no - no god damn need
296. Make-up: I don't wear it so ... ?
297. Drinking: Chug chug chug
298. Guys: Eat the box, not the cock
299. Girls: They are cool
*what do you think when you hear this name...*
300. Jennifer: a girl
301. Leah: a lesbian girl i know
302. Meghan: dunno any
303. Brandon: dcamilo (Jackass guy)
304. Christina: someone in school
305. Angela: A girl who says my singing makes her want to gouge her eyes out
306. Courtney: a nasty whore widow of cobain
307. Jeff: This wigger from middle school
308. Mike: cousin
309. Nikki: dunno any
310. Ryan: Curran
311. Lauren: This girl who was in my French class before I moved here
312. Derek: Me, being called that by bunns dad, even tho my names eric, ROFL
313. Lisa: Kudrow...?
314. Kristi: dunno any
315. Matt: copeck
316. Holly: some chinese chick i used to know
317. Jackie: Friend from Durham
318. Caitlin: Not sure
319. Caroline: Malcom... (?) the one that knows me as Leroy
320. Jacob: Stalker
321. Seth: Seth G. Haley Elementary School
322. Patrick: Funny ass starfish
323. Erin: my name... female
*Which way would you spell it? *
374. Megan or meghan: Megan
375. Lacey or lacy: Lacey
376. Steven or stephen: Steven
377. Kurt or curt: Kurt
378. Caryn or karen: Karen
379. Mark or marc: Mark
380. Brandi or brandy: Brandi
381. Eric or erik: Eric
382. Corrine or carine: Corrine
383. Kari or carrie: Carrie
384. Jackie or jackqui: Jackie
385. Deseray or desirae: Desirae
386. Jayde or jade: Jade
387. Amy or aimee: Aimee
388. Bradi or brady: Brady
389. Chelsea or chelsey: Chelsea
390. Katelyn or kaitlyn: kaitlyn
391. Ashley or ashleigh: Ashley
392. Geoffrey or jeffrey: Jeffrey
393. Their or there: Their
394. Two, too, or to: Too
395. Here or hear: Here
*This or That*
396. Pierced nose or tongue? neither
397. Be serious or funny? Funny
398. Single or taken? Single?
399. Simple or complicated? complicated
400. Law or anarchy? Anarchy
401. Mtv or vh1? who cares they both eat ass
402. 7th heaven or dawson's creek? 7th for that chick
403. Sugar or salt? either
404. Silver or gold? Gold
405. Tongue or belly button ring? neither
406. Chocolate or flowers? Flowers
407. Angels or miracles? Miracles
408. Color or black-and-white photos? Black and white
409. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
410. M&Ms or skittles? Skittles
411. Rap or rock? Rock
412. Stay up late or sleep in? Fuck, stay up late then sleep in
413. Tv or radio? TV
414. Hot or cold? Cold
415. Tall members of the opposite sex or short?: Short
416. Sun or moon? Moon
417. What time is it? 4:58
418. Diamond or ruby? Diamond
419. Left or right? Left
420. 10 acquaintances or 1 bestfriend? 1 best friend
421. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
422. Kids or not? Kids
423. Cat or dog? Kitten
424. Half empty or half full? Half full
425. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
426. Newspaper or magazine? Magazine
427. Spring or fall? Spring
428. Give or receive? Give
429. Rain or snow? Rain
430. Lace or satin? Lace
431. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? A lifetime of friendship
432. Happy or sad? Happy - who the fuck answers sad
433. Corduroy or plaid? Corduroy
434. Wonder or amazement? Amazement
435. Sneakers or sandals? Either
436. Mcdonalds or burger king? Either
437. Blondes or brunettes? Redheads
438. Mexican or italian food? either
439. Lights on or off? Off
440. Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct
441. Candy or soda? Soda
442. A house in the woods or the city? The city
443. Pepsi or coke? Coke
444. Nike or adidas? Adidas
*Love life
445. Do you have a crush: Yep
446. Whats his or her name: Would you like to know...
447. How old are they: i dont know?
448. How long have you been into him or her: ?
449. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: I don't know
450. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: Someone that i actualy give a damn about and would do anything for
451. What is the biggest turn off: Girls who are easy
452. What is the biggest turn on: Beautiful eyes with a personality to match
453. Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: Dumpee
454. Do you think there is a person for everyone: No
455. If yes, do you know who yours is:
456. Where is the best place to be kissed: I don't know
457. Where is the most romantic place to take a date: Backseat (ROFL BUNN!)
458. do you believe in love at first sight: No
459. Have you ever been in love: Yes
460. What do you think love is: Love is something you miplace your trust in to guarantee your happiness - then you end up hurt by it.
470. Do you have a b/f or g/f: No
471. Do you want one: Yes, a girlfriend would be nice
472. How long have you been together: I don't have a girlfriend
473. What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: Shes hot.
501. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Castelon- I'm not sure how to spell it
502. Last word you said: Rush
503. Last song you sang: Rush- 2112
504. Last meal you ate: Maruchan
505. Favorite childhood cartoon: Mario Brothers (yes it was a cartoon!)
506. What did you hate most about school: Redundancy
507. Last person you flipped out on: My little brother
508. Last song stuck in your head: Rush - Red Sector A
509. What line/verse: I hear the sound of gunfire at the gate- are the liberators here, do i hope or do i fear?
510. Last time you were burned: Today
511. How: By some jackass in the hall
512. Last time you bled: Today
513. Favorite game show as a child: Wheel - of - Fourtune!
514. What's in your CD player: Rush, Mix, Mix
515. What color sox are you wearing: white
516. What's under your bed: stuff and cat puke
517. What's the weather like: It's raining/cloudy
518. What is on your wall: Posters, pictures
519. What time did you wake up today: 6:40
520. Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: about rite?
521. Who do you want to marry: I don't know
522. Are you going to college: Yes
523. If so, how long do you want to go: 4 years
524. Where do you want to go: UConn
525. What is your career going to be: I don't know
526. Where are you going to live: I don't know
257. How many kids: I don't know
528. Kids names girls: Elizabeth?
529. Kids names boys: we answered all this before t.t
530. Where do you want your honeymoon: Montreal
531. What kind of car will you have: Saleen, i hope
532. What kind of house will you have: Mansion, i hope
533. Do you like this survey?: Not really - fucking repeats
534. Is this one of the best surveys you've ever taken? One of them
535. How about the most unique? Hell no, 200 questions are the same
536. Have you gotten most of these questions on another survey? YES
537. Do you like to answer questions? Yes
538. Are you getting annoyed with this survey? Sort of
539. If you are, are you gonna delete questions off of the bottom cuz ur bored? No
540. Whats your favorite kind of tree? I don't know.. one with leaves!
541. When you look at a person with lime green tights on, whats the first thing that comes to your head? Faggot
*whats the first thing that comes to your head when you hear/see..*
542. A laptop: AIM
543. A mismatched person: Cool
544. A guy with long hair: My hair's like that.. sort of
545. A guy with spiked hair: Nice
546. A girl with spiked hair: Rock on
547. A tree with no leaves: fucking come faster spring
548. A couch with a sheet over it: clean freak
549. Ronnie: ?
550. Raphael: Ninja turtle
551. A guy wearing a necklace: Bling
552. A girl wearing a hat: take it off
553. A mall: stuff
556. Abercrombie and Fitch: shit for too much $$$$
557. Aeropostale: shit for a little less but still too much
558. Hot topic: Band shirts
559. Pacific sun: Cool stuff there
560. Saved by the bell:
561. Boy meets world:
562. Beverly hills 90201:
563. A stereo system: Tight
564. A gun: For pussies
565. Someone shout out i'm eating peanuts: Roasted?
566. Someone shout out i have to pee: Cool, Let your bladder flow.
567. Someone shout out what's the answer?: Whats the question
568. A desk: Boring
569. A teacher: What's my grade?
570. A doctor: Cold hands
571. What do you think of the questions they make you answer at the doctors office?: repetative and irelevant, like this quiz
572. Do you like the number 10? money
573. What about 5? money
581. Do you have to pay bills? No
582. Do you want to pay bills? Yeah, eventually
583. How do you think your parents feel when they have to pay bills? fucking kids
584. Do you do your own laundry? Yes
585. Do you clean all the bathrooms in your house? No
586. How many bathrooms are in your house? like 3
587. How many tv's are in your house? 4? only use for Chappelles show
588. How many phones are in your house? 3
589. How many tables are in your cafeteria? i stay out of there
590. How many beds are in your house? 4
591. How many couches are in your house? 2 or more
592. What are you thinking about right now? How bad this is
593. How many desks are in your math class? 20?
594. Do you get a lot of math homework? No
595. Do you hang out with your friends a lot? Not anymore [tear]
596. Are you getting sick of this survey? Yeah
597. Have you seen Clueless? No
598. What are your opinions of that movie?: What the fuck?
599. Did you think when you first started watching it that Cher and Josh were gonna get hooked up?: What the fuck?
600. Did you think that Chrisitan was gay?: What?
601. I did. If you didn't, do you think you're a tard?: What?
602. If you had to pick a religion to be, what would you be?: What i am
603. What are you thinking about right now?: Stuff
604. What is your favorite store in the mall nearest you?: Pac Sun
605. How long does it take to get to the mall nearest you? A 17 minute drive
606. What is the mall called? Meriden Mall
607. Do they have a store called bel's or filenes? Yes
608. How about a major sports store? I don't know?
609. Is there a pet shop? Yes
610. Whats your all time favorite font? Something? Copperplate Gothic Light?
611. What do you like better, lap tops or computers? Computers
612. Spaghetti or ziti? Spaghetti
613. Macaroni w/cheeze or w/sauce? With sauce
614. Paintings or photos? Photos
615. Stripes or solids? Stripes
616. Basements or attics? Basements
617. Do you like crushes because of their looks or personality? Personality
618. Life or no life? ?
619. Individual or just like everyone else? Im nothing specail - Right now anyway, so normal at this point in my life
620. Loud or quiet?: Both
621. Shy or rambunctious? Both
622. Refrigerator or freezer? Refrigerator
623. Carpet or tile? carpet
624. Marble or wood? Marble
625. Plaid or stripes? Stripes
626. Stripes or dots? Stripes
627. Dots or lines? Lines,
628. Now what time is it? 5:13
629. Monopoly or life? Life
630. Uno or skip-bo? gah... wtf who cares
631. Beauty and the beast or aladdin? Yay disney...
632. Toy story 1 or toy story 2? again with the disney shit
633. Armageddon or deep impact? Armageddon
634. You've got mail or ever after?: ?
635. Sound of muzick or my fair lady?: Sound Of Music
636. Bsb or nsync?: Neither
637. Dawn or sunny?: Dawn
638. Light or dark?: Dark
640. Higher or lower?: Higher
641. Left or right? Left
643. Dad or mom? both suck and rule for diff reasons
644. Sitcoms or movies? Movies
645. Tv movies or real movies? Real
646. Scanner or xerox machines? Scanner
647. Church or mass? no diff
648. Boat or canoe? Boat
649. Ocean or lake? Ocean
658. Is this one of the longest surveys youve taken? Yes
659. Is it the longest? one of em
660. Is it interesting? Not really
661. Would you ever like someone 3 years younger than you? As a friend. yes... To date, no
662. When you like someone, do you tell them right away?: No
663. Do you wait for signs? Sometimes
664. Whats your favorite letter of the alphabet? S