Hrm, if you really think about it, throughout history women were forced into the position of subordination to men and for the sake of men, they were denied to express themselves as sexual beings without being classified as a whore. So now that women have been liberated, a woman who is confident enough in her sexuality is simply viewed as expressing her independence to the gratification of other feminists. She is the liberated woman. Whereas men were widely known to be perverted and have certain "needs" and that used to be accepted. But in this day and age that same sexuality is looked down upon as "typical male chauvinism" and what not. Hrm, this is based on little actual fact and more my own ramblings though, so make sure it take it with a grain of salt.
YOu are a very interesting person...that is why i read your LJ. YOu amuse me!lol! Sometimes your thoughts are soo deep but at other crack me up! But i agree on you with the whole gay people thing and about Kerry (we could have do SOOO much better!)
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