Title: Le Tourbillon de la Vie
Characters: Claude, Sandra, an occasional OC or two
Pairings: Vague and one-sided Claude/Sandra
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 976
Spoilers: In this part not terribly much but for the story overall it really helps to have read the
Golden Handshake series of the GN, as well as
Our Lady of Blessed
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Comments 2
“They’re always worth enough last night, ”
That made me laugh and I'm not sure why. Oh, Claude, you scoundrel, you!
They just fit very well into the good cop/bad cop thing. Or awesome cop/awesome cop, but, well, that's just my bias ;)
That made me laugh and I'm not sure why. Oh, Claude, you scoundrel, you!
Aww, he doesn't mean it! He's just being...Claude. Heh.
Thank you!
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