Wow I found these notes...

Nov 15, 2005 08:41

Moving On Towards The Goal God has For You
Alan Scotland

Jer. 13:1
-Jeremiah makes an announcement. LISTEN UP!! Potter
and the clay.
- Change the mold of the way your doing things.
- We think in lines. Straight ones. We try to get to
our goal the way we think is the best way which is the
shortest way. A to B to C.
- Life is more complicated than that. Life is more
than just ABC its poetry.
- We always think it’s the devil getting in our way
but more often than not its God. Satan is not able to
everywhere, so more than likely its not Satan he’s got
bigger fish to fry.
- Deal with the issues that are holding you back.
- Some of us have hurt more than others but it’s the
same God who can carve out of your life that which is
beautiful. Away with all of the imperfections.

Ways to Move Forward:

1. Make Space for God to Speak to You (time out):
- Prioritize, don’t say your to busy by your actions
to God.
- Somethings changing in this world, and God is in
- Go walk with Jesus, turn off your phone, put up your
computer. Get alone with God.

2. The work is in progress
- If God is for you WHO can be against you? No One!!
- Gods been going even though you think you cant see
it, He’s working, you just got to catch up.

3. Gods got a hold of you.
- The wheels are what are shaping you. 2 wheels.
There’s friction, noise, turbulence,
- Its mucky and muddy, there’s no nice furniture in
the potters shed. Its hard and gross and dirty. Not
- What did the pastor miss most about being a pastor
now that he’s a teacher at a school..he responded, the
- God knows clay is not perfect. The wheels are
turning, circumstances are tough but Gods got his
hands on the clay. If He were to take them off it
would be destruction. He doesn’t do that.
- Gods got His grip on you, look at that bad
attitude…SQUEEEZE!! It hurts!!
- Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re of no
earthly use.

4. There’s a remake
- Salt and light cant just be in the warehouse. GET
- You have to change!!!!! Through the grip of grace.
- Things will go wrong…GET OVER IT!! Where those 12
disciples perfect…chosen directly by Jesus Christ
himself…still, they weren’t perfect at all. Things go
wrong…learn from it and move on.
- The issue is not about who’s fault it is, the fault
was dealt with on the cross. Just allow God to reshape
you. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind!!

Stop allowing yourself to be fed with the lie that
someone can steal your crown. There’s only one you and
only one person can do what God wants you to do. My
dream is only mine. I have a spear of influence that
no one else has, things that only I can do in the
kingdom. The kingdom NEEDS me.

How can you wear your crown if you’re always raking
the dust, it will keep falling off. Walk with your
head high! Do not be dominated by fear or
intimidation, lift up your head with strong eyes. I am
who I am by the grace of God. I am special.

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