Musings on Californication

Dec 09, 2008 18:29

Or, why Hank Moody is the only womanizer I've ever loved

For graphic sex and ribald talk, Californication rivals QAF, although in this case female anatomy is involved. Lots & lots of it. I resisted watching Califonication, despite my love of David Duchovny, because I heard his character, Hank, was a womanizer. To me womanizer means woman-hater, or at least woman-user, and my reaction to any rampant rack-up-my-conquests character is usually going to be anger or, at best, boredom.

But I don't think Hank really is a womanizer, not in that conquering way. Hank genuinely loves women, not just their boobs and assorted accessories. He helps women he barely knows (but has slept with, of course) with their problems, their exes, and all their assorted dramas, and is willing to wade in, fists flying, to protect and defend. He makes sure the TV cook, who is so aggravating Ashby tosses her out of the car in the middle of nowhere, gets home safe. He comments on the harshness of life in L.A. for women, where - apparently - worrying about the excessive bushiness of your bush or the shape of your labia are major problems. (I have to wonder what kind of charmed life you are leading if these are your biggest worries?) He rants on the radio about his love of the real female body, not the plastic-surgeon altered version.

Most surprising of all, he believes in fidelity. When he's with Karen, he's scrupulously faithful, despite all the temptations. (Okay, okay, there was that accidental performance of oral sex on the wrong woman, but it was an accident!) Lately he's been criticizing his best friend for being prepared to leave his wife just for some "new pussy."

Despite all his good intentions and loving heart, of course, Hank is always in trouble because he does sleep with whoever is willing (when he's not with Karen), and so many are so willing. (Well hell, it's L.A. and he looks like David Duchovny.) If he'd only remember to ask who they are first - because they invariably turn out to be the underage daughter of Karen's boyfriend, or the mother of his daughter's boyfriend, or worse - he'd never be in trouble at all. As it is, everybody's always mad at him.

Personally, I'd take him.
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