Thing the first: nyrgh. ♥ Perfectly done; as always - I love the way Andromeda doesn't seem to have a choice about listening and the description inertia-caught is beautiful. And the line a prince, a god, the snake on his wrist and the jewels on his throat glinting and singing to the echoes still shivering through the air kills me.
(You always come up with such brilliant titles, too! ♥ And I think I've heard the line of your subject before - where's it from?)
Thing the second; I quite like the second one, actually, as a poem not just a funny little meme. :P
Thing the sixth; oh God, too depressing. *scurries off to watch reruns of The West Wing.
*grins* Thank you darling, you always leave me buzzing with your comments XDD
ummm, subject = title? or maybe the lj-cut thingy? but either way, they're both from Detroit Annie, Hitchhiking, and I had a sneaking suspicion when I put in cut-glass, carelessly (that's the lj-cut) handled that I'd used it before somewhere, but I didn't care.
Poems = ♥, as does The West Wing despite my not having watched enough
Comments 3
(You always come up with such brilliant titles, too! ♥ And I think I've heard the line of your subject before - where's it from?)
Thing the second; I quite like the second one, actually, as a poem not just a funny little meme. :P
Thing the sixth; oh God, too depressing. *scurries off to watch reruns of The West Wing.
ummm, subject = title? or maybe the lj-cut thingy? but either way, they're both from Detroit Annie, Hitchhiking, and I had a sneaking suspicion when I put in cut-glass, carelessly (that's the lj-cut) handled that I'd used it before somewhere, but I didn't care.
Poems = ♥, as does The West Wing despite my not having watched enough
Yeah, subject title. Ooer. *goes to read* Gargh, that is beautiful too. ♥
I'm addicted to The West Wing, it's sad. I've watched all of it. T________T *has no life*
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