Three things that scare me:
1 Needles.
2 Random, loud noises.
3 Being home alone all night.
Four people who make me laugh:
1 Ishan.
2 Savannah.
3 Shannon.
4 Lauren.
Three Things I love:
1 Corey. ♥
2 Candy.
3 GG.
Three Things I hate:
1 Homework.
2 Spanish class.
3 Daddy.
Three things I don't understand:
1 Algebra.
2 Laws.
3 Rap music. :[
Three things on my desk:
1 Icing.
2 Bottle of water.
3 Ruler from when Shannon was over.
Three things I'm doing right now:
1 Taking a drink.
2 Enjoying how superfantastic my room smells.
3 Filling this thing out.
Three things I want to do before I die:
1 Go to a different country.
2 um. Make a porno? hah.
3 Idon'tknow.
Three things I can do:
1 Drink lots and lots of caffeiene in a short amount of time.
2 Sleep for a loooong time.
3 Be a raccoonface.
Three ways to describe my personality:
1 Hyper.
2 Horny.
3 Ummmm. Gay.
Three things I can't do:
1 Describe things very well.
2 Talk a lot/ really fast without messing up.
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