
Mar 19, 2005 13:15

So this is like my first post in a long time but whatever i just wanted to get this out. Ok yeah i know its supposed to be God's will and stuff but i cant help to be pretty mad at camp. I know some perfectly rad people (aka yodel and set up) who are getting their postitions lowered for no given reason. I mean it is yodel's 4TH summer at camp. Thats ( Read more... )

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Comments 33

rockapunka March 19 2005, 14:38:56 UTC
The tides of change good nicole... the tides of change.

Well for one Dave (our new guy)is a man of vision. But one thing I want you to realize is that it is HIS vision. Never the less he feels that he wants a lot less staff because he feels well... that when you have too many staff members sometimes they just don't do anything. And as much as I hate to agree with him, it is true. Like those days when the support staff just sit around and drink coffee all day... or those days when the high school staff just hang around eachother all day.
However I do see a problem with this... he's expecting people to expand their jobs and do things they wouldn't normally. Ex: have the assistant store manager do maintenance work when he's no donig store work. But I think because he is new he is forgetting that we all do need a break, or atleast some downtime... but we'll see how it turns out. Remember to respect the new authority even if you don't agree with them! And take heart Nicole because it IS ALL pasrt of God's plan.


vitametavegimn_ March 19 2005, 16:48:39 UTC
says the guy who just walked up to dave and got a job...


rockapunka March 19 2005, 23:37:32 UTC
well my job isn't secure you know. If the actual store manager is a female then they probably wont let me. In the words of Mothra, "We couldn't have you spending late nights together".

But you're right, perhaps it is a tad unfair that some people don't get the jobs they want to get... maybe if they are so concerned about it they should call dave?


vitametavegimn_ March 20 2005, 00:37:53 UTC
no i'm saying that its lame that the people who worked their butts off going to hiring weekend and filling out applications get nothing when all you do is show up and ask for a job. something about that doesnt say "well thought out"


drzaus March 19 2005, 22:16:47 UTC
Ok so this is going to be tough to reply to, but sadly, i'm going to have to back up someone and its gunna have to be my homegurls here. lol. ANyway, i don't think this is an issue of whether of not we are trusting God's plan, because yes, it is perfect, but i think it's more of the fact that there is almost no logical reasoning behind the decision. Yes, camp is a job and yes, he is a new director, but i am sure if you talked to any person who has been on staff they would tell you that camp is an exhausting place, where we are giving ourselves 24/7. The fact that last year they were hiring MORE staff for this reason kind of contradicts that they are now totally cutting staff. At least for me, working so hard all summer at camp was more of a distraction and exhaustion than anything else. YOu are right, God's plan is perfect, but it is logical to disagree with the way the hiring is going.


rockapunka March 19 2005, 23:42:24 UTC
yes... that IS true and well ALL know that EXCEPT for Dave... but have a little patience, it's his first year and I'm sure he'll realize why we have so many staff members after we all start getting tired.

Another thing though that you should realize is that camp does run off of money and I think that all Dave is really trying to do is save a few $'s by having people do more then they did before... especially in the support staff area.

But I'm sorry I came across in a "LMNO drinks coffee all day, and high school staff are lazy bums" kind of way.... believe me guys I did not intend to come across that way at all. Sorry.


drzaus March 20 2005, 08:33:14 UTC
Yeah, i mean, it didn't cost all the extra high school staff 375 dollars to WORK at camp anyway.


vitametavegimn_ March 20 2005, 00:33:27 UTC
thank you so much nicole


anonymous March 20 2005, 11:26:28 UTC
don't work at camp then if you have a problem with it...no one is forcing you to do so.


vitametavegimn_ March 20 2005, 13:07:31 UTC
you know what..i just wanted to know the rest of everyone's thoughts on this. i didnt ask for people to tell me i'm wrong for experiancing certain feelings. and i also didnt ask for any snotty, rude, "i'm better than you" comments. if you really think it's wrong for me to be a little upset then maybe you should encourage me instead of pointing fingers. and if your gonna post something like that then at least put your name.


rockapunka March 21 2005, 21:22:49 UTC
yeah well I really didn't get a nice recieving of MY opinion... you jerks


unleaded01 March 22 2005, 18:59:50 UTC
is that a sincere "jerks" or a joking "jerks"?


holladei March 20 2005, 11:44:05 UTC
hey vitamin c-

i stumbled across your journal via cuchara's friends page, but i just wanted to say that from my experience of working at 2 different camps,is that God always has something precious and valuable to teach us and that if it happens to not be the summer we are to work there, its okay because something really neat or amazing happens.

for example: last summer i was there at islandlake for about a month and while i was there, my grandparents came up from s. america which is a once in a lifetime trip for them. now, go back a few months to spring, did i know that was going to occur? not really. but if i had told jay that i could be there all summer i wouldn't have been able to hang out with them very much. kind of a random story, but i hope it works somewhat.

anyways, take care and have a great afternoon.:)



vitametavegimn_ March 20 2005, 13:16:25 UTC
thanks holla. i know your right and i have no doubt God's will is totally gonna work out and some amazing things are gonna happen from some of the changes happening at camp this summer. i just wish they would make it clear of what the changes are and why so we aren't left in the dark about all of this. but thanks for again for the encouragement! take care too.


unleaded01 March 20 2005, 17:31:47 UTC
i WOULD like to say that im very frustrated that people who deserve CIT positions arent getting them.... i dont mean to sound like im all "woohoo! you could beat my head in with a bat and if its Gods will then YIPPEE HURRAY!!!" because.... i probably wouldnt be thinking that... i just have to keep beating the truth into my head until i believe it. In all actuallity im a tornado of anger swirling about! have faith... it's all thats gonna comfort us through this


You're fired! oooooh--- just kidding. not really a funny joke at all. unleaded01 March 21 2005, 20:01:00 UTC
Hey Twisted Sister here.
My thoughts on the matter?
Yeah, doesn't make sense that Yodel and Set-Up would go from being CIT's to LITs-- but not so sure I would flippantly say that there are "people who deserve CIT positions." count it a privilege guys. but hey. e-mail me if you'd like. jamiespiro@gmail.com


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