Still Life

Nov 04, 2009 00:17

Loving You A Thousand Times

This drama's actually pretty good. I've only watched like 18 episodes but I already love the cast. The way that the whole family is getting into much complication and too many deep secrets are flowing out, I LOVE IT! Reminds me of Heechul's last 2008 drama, Golden Bride.

    This drama made me realize at this young age that MARRIAGE is not a joke. It's not like a child's play where when one's at fault for something, they'd just laugh at it. Instead, things will turn out to the worst case scenario when it is not being solved. Every detail that the scriptwriter is trying to tell actually reflects to those people who suffered a lot for being idiotic in making decisions. So far, I've learned a bunch of things like how would your life be, when you're a surrogate mother, or how love can cure a possible life-long pain in your heart.

My goodness. I'm sounding like a 20-ish lady. Tell you what, I'm just 16 turning 17.


November 10, 2009

Speaking of which, I'm turning 17 this coming November 10. I share birthday with wonder ficcy -- I'd like to call her that. *grin*

I don't have anything special to do, on that day. November 9 is back-to-school so I'm pretty sure that we'll be packed-up with new stuffs to accomplish for the first week. I just hate college so much that I'd like to punch aliens forever! Yeah. I like to talk about aliens too.


BACKTRACK: October 29, 2009 (AM)

Our poodle, Goofy, finally died. Seemed like he was suffering from inflammation around his throat stomach because of swallowing chicken bones. It got stuck somewhere around his breathing area -- you know dogs, too sensitive. For days, he kept trying to cough it out but it wouldn't. It might have resulted to internal bleeding and died. We buried him at our backyard. That way, I can still visit him. *sobs*

I still can't recover from what happened. I really loved that dog so much. I'm full of regrets that I didn't had the time to spend with him, playing or even just combing his thick fur with my fingers. I miss him.


Honestly Speaking...

This semester might be a little bit tough so I can't update myself like before. Though, it might've really changed this year, since I don't update every now and then. And, I'd like to take this time to say 'sorry' to my f-list for not making it up to all of you by giving comments to your journals and such. I visit this place everyday, scanning things that are interesting and not, but I don't really leave messages to people because I feel lazy doing so. Ahh~ I'm such a bad friend. Sorry.



I'm already counting the days until Christmas comes. I'm not sure if I'm excited. My dad is still not confirming if he can actually stay with us for this holiday since he's packed-up with his job overseas. Oh well, an ADVANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone out there!


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