(no subject)

Oct 04, 2013 07:54

Viva JE's
________ J&A Spooky Anon Fic Meme________
In honor of the month of October, it's time for a Spooky, Creepy, Horror, Ghostly and Supernatural themed fic meme!
You can write any pairing (or group) with any genre, be it crack, fluff, comedy, or whatever you like. Just use the above themes, or any other themes you think fit the month of October.
IP logging is OFF, and Anon is ON!
And remember...
1. Post anonymously.
2. Let's be civil. Fic memes are meant to be fun.
3. No pedo porn.
4. If you see a request you can do, do it! :D
5. Don't be afraid to post your unpopular pairings, yo.
6. Must include J&A people.



Completed Prompts Aimiya: Trick or Treat (N-17)
Ohno/Aiba: Scarecrow, Scarecrow
Yasuda/Utahiroba Jun: (untitled)
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