so... yesterday was hectic. getting off a 10 hour shift is not nice at all, especially after working your weekend away and bouncing between opening and closing when really I only want to be dedicated to either the morning or the night shift....not both in the same weekend. And I found out we had to bug prep 30 minutes before closing which means
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I just woke up from a nap and had all these clips in my head of the dreams I had so I immediately reached for my computer to jot down images of what I remember:
josh eckerle going with me to a a concert in augusta
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I went to the pool today by myself for two hours. it was nice and i was exhausted from last night. i laid on my stomach for 20 minutes and almost passed out. it was so nice having an in between wake and sleep moment at the pool. the water was phenomenal and Survivor is developing quite nicely as I continue to read it.
fourth of july night started off pretty lonely and unexpecting but one phone call to a fellow loner and the night ended up being a lot of fun. it got reeeal hilarious.
with our powers combined "goddammit" and "fuck". we're in the same boat in a sea full of boats and everyone else has an engine. what are we going to do with these wooden paddles
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in less than 24 hours i will be watching the movie i have been waiting a year to see and it better rock my world. i am just glad i am finally going to see it so i wont be a spazzed out nerd whenever the damn movie is mentioned anymore.
and fuck jody for being able to see it tonight..........bastard........
Reveal A Little About YourselfNOWIs your hair up?:nope Is your phone right beside you?:my purse is beside me therefore my phone is beside me Do you have a bf/gf?:pft. no. i'm a rebel, a loner. Do you wish you were somewhere else?:it comes and goes depending on the minute Do you have plans for tonight?:other than studying .... no. Are you wearin
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phone call overload last night after the bar closed. I ended up not wanting to hang out with anyone because I was tired and under the weather emotionally and overwhelmed by the calls.
But I am enjoying getting to know new people. Tonight I got to sit and talk with Luke on the porch until 3. It's just...nice. Especially from Luke who I felt like
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to defeat Thack, Avirett pretended to be my boyfriend last night. Worked like a charm. Thack ended up being ridiculous drunk and got mad about it. It was fun getting to pretend though. It worked out perfectly that they were playing awesome music last night so me and Chris would light up and turn to each other when
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