my favorite holiday and day of the year is coming up!! i CAN'T wait, i'm a halloween fanatic.
how can you not be??... free candy, liquor treating, AND you get to dress up while you do it!
luckily this halloween is on a friday! so that means more days to dress up :)
on halloween day i'm going to be slash at my family's party and then little red riding hood that night...
for little red riding hood i just need a red cape, a basket (filled with halloween cookies/candy), and a white dress cut up and bloody (i did just kill a wolf, right?)
for slash i need to wear all black, black boots, a fake nose ring, black round glasses, and a top hat... i'll probably grab nicks guitar hero guitar too
annnd then nick is making me be a slutty school girl for the next night, i made other suggestions but he's stuck on me being a school girl (unfortinatly...)
we both wanted to do at least one couple costume, plus it's a realllly cheap.
he's going to be a dorky student/teacher
i already bought the skirt
and if i feel comfortable enough (or slutty enough, haha) i'll get this shirt
if i don't wear that i'll just wear a cardigan or something
heidi klum ALWAYS takes the cake for best costume though....
haha, she's awesome
i hope y'all are as excited about halloween as i am!
(if not i'm sure this post is pretty strange, haha)