Been a long time since I updated. Went on an impromptu shoot with Boyd. Everything went well...ok, except for the part where I had to actually sit on the ground and roll around just to get some good enough shots. Anyway.
Pardon the repetitive shots. Most of these were taken with me trying to use different shutter speeds, apertures, and tactical picture-shooting positions (and failing, lol). I'm still learning how to use a DSLR. Also, there are no captions because I can't really think straight right now (the flu is affecting my brain), Just pretend there is a witty caption after every photo.
This is my favorite from the bunch, so it get's a caption saying so.
His hair looks toasted/burnt orange in some pics, and he looks too white. I don't know why. I'm gonna continue reading my DSLR's manual and figure out why. And his nose! You can hurt yourself just trying to poke it - it's that pointy.
One of my fail shots that I actually liked (after gratuitous Photoshop editing of course).