Just looked back on the resolutions i made last year. Get a job, check. Get fit....umm, well I joined a gym? That's all I remember, let's try again shall we?
- Actually, actually at least try and get fit for bikini season. That said, unless I put some money away I'll be spending it in the North East and I aint quite geordie-fied to walk about in swimwear yet.
- On that note, go on holiday!! I haven't been abroad since Majorca, yes that holiday, you remember? Hehe, fuckin' Spaniards. Anywho, I don't care where, hell even if it's a long weekend in bloody Normandy at least it'll be out of England.
- Start an OU course. I looked this up last year, I could - finances and brainpower willing - get a degree in environmental biology within the next 5 years while still working. I wanna go for it coz I was a sucky school kid and only realised that I needed to actually go to classes to pass when I failed, lawl. Also one of the modules is based entirely on David Atenborough's Life of Mammals!!
- And finally, coz I think 4 is more than enough resolutions, live somewhere nice. That involves making my current place resemble something other than a chinese laundry from panto. I can look around now and see approximately 75 articles of clothing waiting to be washed or ironed. I dunno how this happened, especially since I still can't find any of my socks. I bet Johnny sells them.
Right, that'll do me. You guys got any?