1. What does your lj/blogname nickname mean?
Ahh ... well for that, I'd probably need some intense psycho-therapy. I guess it technically dates back to like 8th grade Computer Club and our self-appointed "hacker" nicknames, back when hacking was much more like Wargames. I chose the nick, Vixen, from an old Issac Asimov story ... but my friends started teasin' me a bit about it, cause the story was called "Vixen of Venus", about a woman from a Venus space station who seduced and killed (not sexual, just tease-seduction). So to take their teasing, I just adopted the whole nick as my own ... and it's about as UNIQUE as you can get. I've never seen it used by anyone else on any site.
2. Elaborate on your primary photo?
It's a pic of Anakin Skywalker done by
Grant Gould over at
TheForce.Net Fan Art. I cropped it and resized it. It represents my interest in Star Wars, Movies, Roleplaying, and the Dark Side - as "Vixen of Venus" is mainly known as a Dark Lord of the Sith on many Star Wars and RPing websites. Plus the whole
Fan Fic.
3. Who introduced lj/blogs to you?
Veaglarwen. She was always trying to get me to visit her live journal, and then we fell out of touch, so when I wanted to get back into touch with her, it was one of the ways I found her and her e-mail address :p
4. How many comments have you got?
Almost none ... maybe 3.
5. Whats your current status?
Single, overweight, hungry, and cranky.
6. What is life to you?
Extended periods of bore, pain, and hardship with short periods of intense pleasure, love, and excitement ... all held together by faith.
7. What is love to you?
Love is the great equalizer. Everything can be conquered by love. Hate dissapates like a fog under direct sunlight, pain is weakened and destroyed, and it warms you up inside like a fire in your soul. Love means sticking with people, even when they annoy and upset you, and ESPECIALLY when they disappoint you. Love is the struggle inside yourself to Love Unconditionally.
8. What do you hate most?
Reality TV, because it isn't real! Every reality tv show has WRITERS! If it's real, what the fuck is there to write?!
9. Who do you love most?
My parents, my family, and my closest friends ... they hold me up when I am weak.
10. What makes you happy?
Chatting online with
Veaglarwen, Watching football, The anticipation of the Smallville premier, Getting a new job at Hastings, ... I guess I have a lot to be happy about!
11. Are you musically inclined?
No, I tend to be upright when I listen to music.
12. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most doesn’t exist?
I'd probably just shut down. The person I love and depend on most in my life these days is probably my mom, but the same would be true if that happened to my sister. I depend on them so much.
13. If you could go back in time, and change ONE thing, what would you change?
I would go back and stop myself from doing something when I was a Junior in HS, or possibly stop the whole sequence of events back when I was about thirteen. I can't go into specifics here ...
14. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be?
Well ... I'm going the way of Fantasy / D&D for this one ... I'd be "young adult" Silver Dragon. Just old enough to fly and soar, but young enough to enjoy the feeling of power and freedom, but with the high intelligence and wisdom of a human being.
15. Ever had a near death experience?
Sortof. A week after I graduated from High School, I was driving home from work (at vile, disgusting KFC), a route I'd drove in the dark a hundred or more times. There was this railroad crossing which didn't have the guard-rails (which drop and flash), just a stop sign. The crossing was right next to a factory which was always lit up like crazy when there were trains coming and going there, so when it was dark, I'd just fly right through without stopping. But this night, I had been thinking about something else, and I stopped.
I swear, I felt some sort of presence sweep over me, and I attribute it to God / Jesus, but if that doesn't fit your beliefs, you probably still know what the feeling is like. It startled me as a silent dark train just FLEW by at a high speed. I know that if the presence hadn't stopped me, I would have been killed instantly.
16. Name two obvious qualities you have?
I'm fairly charismatic / likeable, and I write like I talk ... hence ... the ... pausing ... elipses!
17. What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now?
"Rubber Ducky" by Ernie (of Sesame Street)
18. Who do you think would reply to this survey the quickest?
No idea.
19. Slowest?
No idea.
20. Are you happy today?
I guess so.