Title: The Express To Hell
Pairing: Jesse Lacey / Jesus Christ
vixull Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jesus Christ had a pretty face.
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction.
Warnings: This would probably be considered sacrilegious.
Notes: Merry Christmas!
For the record, I really, really struggled with this.
Jesus Christ had a pretty face. That was the first thing Jesse Lacey thought when he opened his eyes after "praying" harder than he ever had in his life. Jesus Christ. He had a pretty face. He had soulful brown eyes, which shone with an honesty that Jesse couldn't fully comprehend, and He was also possessed of surprisingly full lips and a jaw that looked as though it had been chiseled by God himself. Wait, strike that. The point is, He had a pretty face-- beautiful, really.
Jesse stared at the ceiling for a moment, until he noticed something out of place. There was a person sitting on the chair across the room from him, casual and calm, just lounging. At first, Jesse thought it was one of his sisters, until he noticed one tan, muscular leg, with just the right amount of sun-bleached hair, draped over the armrest. Jesse's gaze shot upwards, and met soulful brown eyes.
"Jesus Christ," Jesse whispered in awe. Jesus raised one perfectly-sculpted eybrow.
Jesus, unbelievably, blushed. "Well, my friends call me JC. It's less...Messianic."
"JC," Jesse repeated. The tone of awe had yet to leave his voice. After a moment, the awe turned to thought. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, you said 'Oh God' and he was busy. So here I am."
Jesse fidgeted uncomfortably. "Oh... Yeah. I require... Um, spiritual guidance."
"Ah, yes. I've had to guide your friend John many times," Jesus said, nodding sagely. Jesse felt a pang of jealousy.
"Yeah," Jesse shot back petulantly. "John needs spiritual guidance four, sometimes five times a day."
Jesus gave Jesse a look, which Jesse couldn't quite decipher. There was definitely a hint of smugness there.
"Ah, well. When it comes to... Spiritual guidance... I am the best."
Jesse's eyes bored into his hands. He had a hangnail on his left index finger. "Yeah, I've um, heard that," he said. It was a low, barely audible murmur, but Jesus heard everything.
. "You seem troubled my son... you know, I've been told my touch can heal..." Jesus's tone was unmistakable. Blood filled Jesse's cheeks, and he struggled to hold back a grin.
By the time Jesse felt safe to raise his head again, Jesus had already moved, and was seated in front of him. Jesse's muscles tensed, and his breath was taken away. This close, Jesse could see all of Jesus's perfect features clearly, and he could feel the overwhelming holy aura that He gave off. There was something indescribingly sexy about it.
Jesse felt wetness seep past the corners of his lips, and he realised that his mouth had been hanging open. But before he could shut it, Jesus closed the space between them. Right before their lips met, Jesse inhaled sharply, causing him to start choking only a few seconds into the kiss.
Jesus pulled back and looked at Jesse sympathetically, but it was almost obvious what He was thinking: Are you thirteen? What the Hell was that?!. Well, no. He probably didn't use "Hell".
While Jesse was letting his insecurites eat away at him, Jesus was planning his attack. With unfathomable speed, Jesus's hand dove into Jesse's pants.
A small gasp found its way past Jesse's lips.
Jesus worked Jesse's shaft perfectly. It was all perfect movements and perfect rhythm. It was pretty much perfect.
"Oh, sweet Jesus," Jesse breathed. His eyes were closed, and he wanted so badly to open them, but he couldn't. To do so would ruin everything; it would wake him from the dream.Your mind can tell you anything, but, deep down, he didn't honestly believe that Jesus Christ was jerking him off.
"That was quick," Jesus said, with a note of surprised amusement, as Jesse came. He wiped the excess from His hand on the thigh of Jesse's jeans.
Jesse sighed, and his eyes slowly swung open. "You're so beautiful," He murmured.
"Well, yeah. Pretty much, " Jesus respnded, which a smug grin, before pausing in thought. "Yeah, so, I know I'm supposed to suffer and all, but I have to get something out of this."
Then Jesus started taking off Jesse's pants, sliding them over his hips. He neatly folded them, and placed them on the floor beside the bed before proceeding to remove Jesse's boxers.
With no warning-- or preparation, although Jesse has come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is in a state of constant lubrication-- Jesus pushed into Jesse's sweet, virginal body.
Because He is Jesus Christ, and he's pretty much incredible, Jesus hit Jesse's prostate with every single thrust-- Jesse would later discover that this is a skill John is really lacking in. Soon enough though, Jesse was hard again.
It was enjoyable, and Jesse was surely seeing stars, but fuck it was taking a long time. Repetitive motions get old fairly quickly and-- oh.
When Jesus came in Jesse's ass, it was the weirdest feeling he had ever experienced.