Jun 18, 2007 02:30

After writing a bunch of Vizriel's backstory elsewhere, I decided I'd finally draw a picture of him that would show what he actually looks like. The character model in the game doesn't do him proper justice, as he's not as rotted as the rest of the Forsaken.

I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make him rot at least a little, so instead of leaving him with nothing but bone at his elbows, I just decided to have most of his skin rot away there. I sort of derailed as I drew further down his body, so the lower part of his robes looks a little half-assed. That's because it is half-assed.

I do like that I made his belt hanging off of his hips though. He has next to nothing for a waist now, so I figured that there'd be no belt that would ever fit him properly, but as belts in World of Warcraft give you stats like stamina and intellect, he'd be pretty much stuck with the frigging things.

I very hopefully WILL be adding color, background, lighting effects etc. to this one soon. I just need to get painter from my brother tomorrow >_>

I tried to sneak into his room all dastardly like, but at the last minute he caught me in the act and I was foiled again!

The weekend was ok for the most part. Went out drinking on Friday and as such have much in the way of cool stories to cherish through the ages. ONE SUCH TALE shall be recanted below.

Ok, so on the way home on the skytrain, I was checking out a pentagram Rheanna drew on the back of my hand. I was laughing at the ANAL FIST written across my fingers and a man walks on with his wife. The man sits beside me, and the wife sits in the seat by the door just infront of me.

The husband (totally heart-of-spain guy) asks me if the symbol on my hand is the anarchy symbol. I decide to roll with it and say "Why yes, yes it is." and he says that it's a good symbol, and starts going on in HEAVILY accented english about how sweet anarchy is. I ask him and his wife if they've had a good time and they say "weeeelll... eeeh... not really" I laugh and say "I know the feeling." so he asks if I'd been drinking, to which I reply "Indeed I have!" And I showed him my almost finished bottle of Jack.

He loses it, apparently he and I drink the same thing! So I passed him the bottle, saying "share the wealth as I always say". He was really happy about that and repeated my slogan several times before asking me how much my JD cost me. I told him it was about $15. He asked if I had a $5 so I said yes I do. He whips out a $20 and hands it to me, taking the $5 once again saying "Share the wealth!". So I wound up with a free bottle of JD that night.

AFTER THAT, I don't remember how it went, but he asked if I was German. Once again deciding to roll with it I said "Ja". He freaked again saying "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WHEN I LOOKED AT YOU!". I was pretty flattered. He then started going on about the nazis and Hitler and started talking in such a heavy accent that I couldn't really make it out.

His wife got ANGRY at him though, at one point saying "You know what?... fuck you... fuck you" to him and eventually to ME! I wasn't even doing anything either (granted I was laughing alot at the guy, how could you NOT?!). After she says fuck you though, he asks me if I know how to say "Fuck you" in German. I say "My parents lived here all my life and I never learned... I can call my friend though!" (I'm so sneaky) So I call Curt and ask him to humor me as I ask how to say "Fuck you" in german.

So I eventually tell him, his wife rolls her eyes, and he busts out laughing even harder, clapping me on the shoulder and high fiving me. He then looks at me and his face goes serious, then he asks...

"So... do you not like the Jews?"

I was silent, then made a face like "Well, you should know" and he laughed again, said "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!". We wound up at Metrotown, which was their stop too and I got off the train and walked the opposite direction after he shook my hand. After that I called Curtis as I made for my half hour walk home and recanted the tale of my free booze and Naziesque escapades.

It was the single strangest trip I've EVER taken on public transit, and I've taken a SHITLOAD of transit. Free booze can never be passed up though.

Today was also Father's Day, and that rocked! Anyway. I've ranted, raved and jived like a triflin' bitch. I'm up outs nyyyyyyyyucka.
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