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1) Now let's begin!
Name: Ash
Gender: Male
Age 19
Section I --- About Yourself
Favorite color: Red
You love: My friends, working with them, Looking toward the future, fur and feathers on clothes, full moons, flowers, summer nights, classic rock music, feeling normal even though I'm not XD, optimists, visual kei, Japan, the Japanese language,hippies.
You hate: Warmongers, people who are arrogant with no right, hot weather, rap music, people who needlessly point out others' flaws, pessimists and skeptics, homophobes, prudes, milk, liars, drama queens(or kings);).
Good qualities you think you have: I'm a very calm and level headed person. I'm good at leading and keeping a situation under control. My friends say I suffer from a hero complex, which actually gets me in trouble at least as often as it helps me.
Bad qualities you think you have: Sometimes I let people off too easy. Being in a place of authority, I should honestly be tougher, but I'm not. The people I care about are easily seen as my greatest weaknesses.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? My uselessness to 'the real world'.
Section II
Are you outgoing or shy? Both. Depends on where you stand and how you know me.
Kind or mean? I try my best to be kind. Cruelty in most cases is unnecessary.
Gentle or rough? Gentleness far outclasses roughness in my opinion.
Mature or immature Mature, I guess.
Careful or impulsive? I try my best to be careful, but sometimes there's no time to think.
Do you prefer solitude or being with a big group of people? I like being with my small inner circle, but I don't like crowds very much. I'll deal with them if I have to.
Do you get jealous easily? Very.
Are you patient or impatient? I'm one of the most patient people I know.
Section III-- Put yourself in the world of Vampire Knight.
How would you choose to "eliminate" your enemies if you had any? I wouldn't unless I absolutely had to, and I would do so quietly and with little fanfare.
Would you use someone in order to get what you want? I try not to, but I find myself doing just this; so yes.
What is your ideal weapon? My authority. Sheer willpower.And a sharp, pointy object. :D
Do you believe that vampires and humans can coexist? I wish they could, but I have my doubts.
How would you express your love to the one you love? I would offer them my company if they wanted it and let them into my heart. A simple act of trust, really. I also fiercely protect the things I care about, so they would gain whatever of that I have to offer as well.
Section IV
If you could become one character in Vampire Knight, who would it be? I wish I could be more like Kiryu. He's always acting on exactly how he feels, not bound by anything-save for himself.
Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? I suppose not. Thank you for your considerations, I'm looking forward to the results. :)