Dec 05, 2005 19:56
I don't like wearing toe socks
I sweat a lot
I think RAPE is a weird word
I don't know much about cars
I am a girl
Peeling my skin around my nail is a bad habit for me
Emo girls scare me
I think Emo boys are hot
I think guys that wear glasses (some exceptions) are sexy
I didn't know what a dimple was until this year
I like to make up words by squishing two words together
I actually love indie music yet main stream music is meh
I don't like rappers who wear diamond studded teeth, I think it's a waste of money
I've had braces shoe grd. 4 but took them off June 14 2005
I hate my retainers
I don't like numbers yet I love math
I like playing guitar
I hate stubborn people, yet I'm stubborn
I have more CDs them most people
I weigh more than most of the guys in my class
I've been to daycare in Quebec
I was born in a Jewish hospital yet I'm not Jewish, I'm Chinese
I'm Quebequois yet my french sucks
My handwriting is ugly
I'm a size 8 in jeans yet that's because a 6 doesn't goes past my thighs (I'm pretty much, FAT)
I'm taller than my mom and my older sister
Jess & I (sister) are complete opposite, I like it that way
Jess & I remind me of Jessica and Ashlee Simpson
I have an obsession with ducks
I don't like wearing hats even when I was little
I hate zits
My birth marks are on: my hand, thigh and butt
I don't like to wear rings because they make my fingers look fat
I use to be so not shy when I was younger... Now it's the other way around
I don't like blood and gore
I like the colour teal
apple is my favorite fruit
I never really like tomatoes till this year
I'm short
I have some spider thing on my arm, I think it's kinda cool
I'm a weird observer of things
People call me random, yet I don't think I am
If you get me to start laughing, I'll laugh for 5 more minutes
I take 5-10 minutes showers
I don't like the dark
After listening to BEP's songs twice, I'll know all the words
I hate being embarrassed
Burping for me is a normal thing and it's not gross
I can burp on purpose
I like chick flicks
I think to get nerds are cool
I like to play spit (card game)
I hate pain
I hate getting yelled at
I don't like to get in trouble, so I try not to
I like to type, but not when my hands are cold
I have cold & heat hives from the different temperature changes
I think I'm pretty yet, I'm not that great
My singing sucks
I like to sing
I don't like video games yet I got a PS2 for last year's Christmas
I like presents
I think skaters are sexy
I'm allergic to chlorine
I'm a very weird person
People call me funny, I try to hard
I like to sleep
My mind wanders off sometimes
I hate having my period
I don't watch TV a lot
I love the computer
I procrastinate... very often
Toys don't appeal to me as much as before
I've gotten more than 20 cavities this year
I don't mind needles, except when the put it in your mouth
I hate feeling numb
I like to hug, cuddle and kiss yet, I don't do it much
I'm very self conscious sometimes
I hold pencils and pens really weird
Took me the whole summer to learn how to snap my gum
I've never broken an arm, leg...
I like glasses yet they look bad on me
I don't like to show my toes or feet
My smelling sense is pretty bad
I can get persuaded really easily
I like money
I love new clothes and they way they're all soft
I hate starch
I've taken birth control pills
I'm still a virgin
I plan to not get married when I'm older
I don't like to cross my legs
My Chinese sucks
I get a lot of mood swings
I like to cry, make myself laugh or makes someone else laugh to make me feel better
I don't really like the name Vanessa but I'm okay with that
I like the number 3 or any numbers that are odd
I sometimes wish I was a guy
I look bad in long hair
I don't get along well with certain people
Big tees are what I wear because they're comfortable