May 06, 2009 01:22
Didn't work out monday, celebrated cinco de mayo early with the leftover tequila.
Tues had a pretty damned awesome class in the dojo. Even if I took a shot to the eye and then got the same eye scratched a bit when it was my turn to be the "bad guy" attacker. Woot. But I was able to correct a few things so I'm happy.
May 01, 2009 00:34
Didn't work out Monday, I was sick.
Tues No Working out
Weds not a damn thing either
Attended two classes back to back Thursday, so my knee smarts a bit and I have mat burn on my left elbow.
Apr 29, 2009 13:05
being sick sucks. sick at work is even less fun. maybe i should have used a personal day.
Apr 25, 2009 20:46
just changed to metropcs. first web post w/ phone. touch screen will take getting used to.
Apr 25, 2009 01:57
Who uses what?
I'm on T-Mobile, considering a change.
Look for unlimited text messaging, decent amount of minutes ect.
I'm considering MetroPCS but I am balking at the lack of national coverage.
Apr 24, 2009 01:14
Monday- Slacked
Tues- Class at dojo
Weds Class at dojo
Thurs Worked out
Apr 16, 2009 22:51
Here's a couple videos of my instructor showing a few techniques of the martial art I study.
Apr 14, 2009 23:49
Worked out last night.
lots of concentration on abs
Tonight I went to training at the dojo, pretty good class, only four of us black belts in attendence so it was almost like a private lesson. A few points I was lacking finally fit in. A few others still need work.