Title: Pinky Swear
vlegal Pairing: Will/Rachel
Rating: PG
Summary: "I want you to promise me something."
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters are the property of Fox and Ryan Murphy. I intend no rights infringement.
Author's Note: Ok, kids. This one is a little different. It's super outdated and I started it back in July. But I found it again and
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Comments 8
My former private flute teacher is to me what Will is to Rachel in this fic. She pushed and pushed and pushed for years, and because of that I can do pretty much anything now. Whenever I go home, I always make time to see her at least once, at least for coffee if not for lunch or dinner. I'm also teaching one of her kids during my practicum this year.
In other words, I can totally relate to Rachel in this fic. And it was awesome. And fantastic. And super. :D
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