(no subject)

Apr 10, 2006 21:33


Name: Nicolette
Any Nicknames?: Nicki, Nixie (old-school), Goat
Age: 20
Birthday: 6 June, meaning I'll be 21 on 6.6.06. Go me.
Hobbies/Talents: Reading, snark, making kickass cappuccinos, ice hockey?
Likes: Starbucks, reading, political geeking, Jon Stewart, CSI, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, the Red Sox, Boston, going on long aimless drives
Dislikes: the New York Yankees, CSI: Miami (actually, more just Davd Caruso), green tea Frappuccinos, actually...Frappuccinos of any kind, calculus, organic chemistry
Any siblings?: Nope, only child.
Strong points: Um. I make a kickass cappuccino, like I said. That really does take talent. Ask any Starbucks Barista.
Weak Points: I'm turning into a workaholic. I overcommit myself to absolutely everything (five classes plus working full-time plus a half-attempt to have a real social life). Oh, right. No social life. I'm bitchy and elitist, to the point where I've lost a few friends over it. Oh, and I'm really indecisive, as you'll see below.

Colour: right now I'm digging turquoise, but I'm very fickle.
Food: Macaroni and Cheese. I'm so Poor White Girl (tm).
Type of Music/Musical artist(s): I love OK Go. And Disney Music. And Alanis Morissette. Basically, anything but country, throw it at me.
Animal: zebras. And flamingos, obviously. And emus.
VM fave character: Hm. I'd have to say Logan. And not just 'cause he's pretty, either. He's snarky, manipulative, and really has no regard to what others might think of his decisions--at least, if it's something/someone he really cares about (read: V/H).
Least Favorite VM character: Trina Echolls. She's just...whiny. And annoying.
Favorite VM moment: Snerrrrk. When JTT got punched out! I never liked him.
Favorite VM couple (they didn't have to actually get together in the series): When the series first started, I was a huge Veronica/Wallace shipper. They're just so ridiculously comfortable around each other, and yes. And lest we forget the pretty slashiness of Logan/Weevil. But that's my inner slashy!Fangirl running wild.

How would you describe your personal style?: What style? Jeans, hoodies, t-shirts, and flip-flops. Khakis and polo shirts for work.
Which one of the typical stereotypes (science nerd, jock, band geek, preppy, loner etc) do you think you fit into in high school?: I was a loser. Though that was a combination of my different socioeconomic background (lower-middle class kid going to a prestigious prep school) along with the fact that I changed schools so much (I attended three high schools in four years).
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: I wanted to be an epidemiologist (a virus-hunter, disease detective, whatever). Needless to say, when I failed organic chemistry, that dream went straight down the tubes.
How do you feel about love/relationships?: I only recently matured enough to decide I was ready emotionally for a relationship--of course, now that I want one, I'm too busy. In general, though, I really do think that relationships do add something to a person's life, at least in some way (good or bad). And if you do get one of the bad ones, it kind of makes you realise how lucky you get when the next 'good one' rolls around.
Could you be called "obsessive"? If so, what about?: YES. Everything. I overcommit all the time. See: weak points.
What would be your dream job?: I want to either work for the UN or work as some sort of White House aide--not President, but perhaps Attorney General or Secretary of State.
Describe your best friend: This girl is the other half of my brain. No, seriously. We anticipate each others' thoughts, actions, and speech. We make Build-a-Bears of our RP characters and basically, in essence, all of our RP characters are OTP. Which leads everyone to believe we're OTP, which. Well, maybe we are. We're heterosexual life mates!
For being stamped do you prefer boy/girl or doesn't matter?: It doesn't matter at all.

Picture/Describe What you look like:

My hair's shorter and more brunette now. And I have HORRIBLE red-eye, my eyes are blue. But you get the idea. Also, I'm ridiculously unphotogenic.

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