Name: Kelly
Any Nicknames?: I’m thinking about getting one for college. My name’s a bit too perky cheerleader for me. Unfortunately, ‘Kelly’ isn’t exactly easily nicknamed, and my middle name is Adamson so no dice there either.
Age: 18
Birthday: May 30, 1988
Hobbies/Talents: I’m a fairly decent writer and photographer, and I also act (primarily Shakespeare). I’m into stage combat (quarterstaffs and swords over hand-to-hand), and I’m a runner. I do a lot of reading, and I’d probably say that the thing I’m best at is research. I’m an excellent researcher; it’s the actual consolidation and utilization of said information that causes them problems, they do. Still, while my slacker status didn’t exactly earn me stellar marks I’ve been a pretty solid B, B student with the occasional foray into the A majority range.
Likes: Books, trashy magazines, fruit, colours, traveling, mysteries, music, friend stuff, crappy cars, gossip, etc.
Dislikes: Cinnamon, people who walk slowly or abreast in a hallway (or anywhere) so I can’t get around them, sunburn, humidity, people who talk slowly or take forever to get to the point.
Any siblings?: Three. One brother, fifteen, a sister, twelve, and a half-brother, three.
Strong points: Clever, curious, thoughtful, insightful, creative, funny, exact, frank, opinionated, articulate, down-to-earth, authoritative, self-sufficient.
Weak Points: Tactless, stubborn, paranoid, blatant, blunt, quick temper, repetitive, occasionally lazy, irritable, extremely secretive, controlling, avoidant, nosy, sensitive, ultimately insecure.
Colour: Red or turquoise.
Food: Strawberries.
Type of Music/Musical artist(s): I like a pretty wide range, but right now I’m very into Iron & Wine, the Dandy Warhols, Architecture in Helsinki, the Decemberists, and a lot of classic rock circal the sixties (the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Simon & Garfunkel, America, Deep Purple, etc).
Animal: Cat.
VM fave character: I like almost all of them, but I’d have to say either Veronica or Wallace. I’m also digging Gia Goodman at this moment in time.
Least Favorite VM character: My gut reaction is to say Duncan, but he’s kind of growing on me.
Favorite VM moment: Right now it’s in Not Pictured, that moment right before Cassidy/Beaver jumps, when he sort of slouches/smirks and holds the position and expression as he jumps back in an almost suspended motion-yeah. I’m a details girl.
Favorite VM couple (they didn't have to actually get together in the series): I’m predictable. Label me LoVe.
How would you describe your personal style?: I uh, wear clothes. Lots of jeans or jean skirts, jean jackets (though not with the jean bottoms), lots of jacket-y things. I own a lot of coats. T-shirts, the like.
Which one of the typical stereotypes (science nerd, jock, band geek, preppy, loner etc) do you think you fit into in high school?: Toughie. Depends on what year. Freshman year alone I could have been labeled a prep, a goth, a drama geek, and a jock in various stages of my adolescent oscillations. Sophomore year was split between prep and antagonistic loner. Junior I was a sarcastic slacker tomboy type, and senior year I was… something? None of the labels really fit. My senior class was pretty unique-for example, our class president was a science nerd Trekkie-so it’s hard to even begin to categorize. I was in the upper echelons of the 06 elite and therefore a participant and ringleader of our extremely clever and devious class prank, among other things. At the same time that upper echelon was composed primarily of National Merit scholars, honor students, and techies, and combinations thereof.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: An Olympic gymnast. No, I didn’t think further ahead than sixteen. Sixteen was actually pretty good for me in terms of careers planning: my other life ambition was to be a child star.
How do you feel about love/relationships?: Ambivalent. I get into a lot of them-a friend once said that I “change my facebook picture more often than [I] change [my] boyfriend, and that’s saying something.” They’ve tended to be either short and casual or long and intense. Either way they have their highs and lows.
Could you be called "obsessive"? If so, what about?: Oh yes. I don’t really let go of things easily. I prefer to think of myself as tenacious, but the popular consensus is usually neurotic, or fanatical. When I get interested in something I do not quit until it is absolutely perfect or I know absolutely everything there is to know on the topic or whatever else, whether that thing is my senior paper on the theses for international relations in science fiction or modifying an old dress. I get so absorbed in whatever I’m doing that I usually forget to eat and sleep. It’s pretty ridiculous.
What would be your dream job?: Freelance something. In the perfect world I would be able to switch back and forth between a multitude of careers-an actor one week, a writer the next, in the CIA one month and whatever else the next.
Describe your best friend: I have a few. I spent so long without any friends that I now “suffer” from an overabundance. They’re all excessively tomboyish (aside from the odd male in the mix, who is slightly effeminate if only in that he takes orders from girls), easy-going with irreverent senses of humour and sketchy moral codes.
For being stamped do you prefer boy/girl or doesn't matter?: Preferably girl. I’m nearly always cast as little boys and children, so I like to be reminded of my gender once and again.
Picture/Describe What you look like: Well, here’s a few pictures, a few of them blatently myspaced and a few not. What the pictures do not show: I am freckled, 5'2 and a half, and have green eyes.
Now for the unphotoshopped truth...