Game On- Round 10

May 11, 2010 22:35

Sorry I'm late with this. I know the VM fanfic community in general seems dead, but I'll try to be better about deadlines here. The current challenges, round #8 and #9, will close on the 31st. We'll open Round #10 on the 1st, and then we'll only have two rounds after that before the community closes for good. (The final round prompts will be announced July 10th, and the challenge will close September 30th, so you should have a decent amount of time to at least participate in the last challenge if you want.)

So here are the challenges for Round #10, which will open June 1st. As always, remember to wait until the first of June to post any responses, since the current rounds aren't closing until the 31st.

Round #10 will be held from June 1st until June 30th, and fics must be submitted (or linked to) during that time in order to be considered for awards.

vmfic_gameon's Challenge Round #10 (June)

Challenge 1- Character Challenge
Characters: Writer's Choice
Prompt: Write a character-centric fic about any character you want. The rating, genre, pairing(s) are all up to you, too. Total freedom on this one, so have fun!

Challenge 2- Monthly Theme Challenge
Month: June
Theme: Summer Blockbuster

Right now is the season for big blockbusters, but one film that probably won't be lighting up the marquee any time soon is Veronica Mars: The Movie. So let's fix that with fanfic. Write your version of the VM movie- what would you want to happen if it got made? Would it follow Veronica in the FBI? Logan versus the Sorokins? What happened with the election? Where are all of our favorite characters now? There were a lot of loose ends to be tied up, so start lacing!

Challenge 3- Table Challenge
June's Word Table:

(Courtesy of this random word generator.)

Write a fic using at least five of the words in the table (but hey, why not try for all 25?!). Any characters/pairings/ratings are welcome.

Challenge 4- New Car Smell

Vehicles actually played a pretty big role in the show, so write a story involving a character buying their new (or new to them!) automobile or make any car the center of your fic. You can go back to pre-series and write about the LeBaron or Xterra, or do a third season fic about Logan or Veronica’s brand new wheels. Maybe you can take a closer look at the stories involving Mac and Weevil's ill-gained cars? Or write a future piece where Wallace is trading in his sports car for a minivan. Whatever you can think of, go for it!

Challenge 5- By the Numbers

It's a really popular fanfiction style- writing a number of ficlets and connecting them with one central theme. For example, say, Four Times Logan Had A Gun Pointed At Him or Seven People Veronica Accused First. You don't have to follow canon (heh). How about, Five People Who Didn't Kill Lilly Kane...But Could Have or Three Women Aaron Seduced. It can be tragic (Two Times Veronica Was Shot) or romantic (Three Times Logan Slept Over). You don't have to take my suggestions. The number and idea behind it are all yours, so go crazy and have fun!

So those are the prompts for round #10. Please spread word about about it so we can make the most of the community while it's open, because we'll be closed up before you know it! Feel free to take the banner to advertise the comm, too. The more the word gets out, the more fic we're likely to receive!

And keep submitting those entries for the current rounds.

If you've got any questions/concerns about this round or anything else pertaining to the community, let me know here and I'll try to get back to you ASAP. Thanks!

round #10, challenge of the month: summer blockbust, word table challenge, challenge: by the numbers, challenge: new car smell, character challenge: writer's choice

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