I'm posting this a couple days early because I won't be around much until next week. As far as extensions go for
Round #2, I know a few of you have said that you're working on your fics and plan to have them in before the original deadline, but I'm still willing to extend this round by about a week if anyone needs it. Round #3 will open November 1st, as planned, and the challenges are behind the cut. I don't think the last round inspired too many people so hopefully you find something here.
Round #3 will be held from November 1st until November 30th, and fics must be submitted (or linked to) during that time in order to be considered for awards. Please don't submit Round #3 fics until the first of November! October is for Round #2 challenges.
vmfic_gameon's Challenge Round #3 (November)
Challenge 1- Character Challenge
Character(s): Mac, Wallace
Prompt: Veronica’s two BFFs don’t always see a lot of action in fic. Let’s fix that! Write a fic with either Mac or Wallace as the main characters (or starring both of them, together). You could write romances for them (original characters welcome, or you could pair them off with an established character from the show), explore episode plots through their eyes, or have either or both solving a mystery of their own! The story can involve other characters but it must be Mac or Wallace or Mac and Wallace-centric.
Challenge 2- Episode Challenge
Episode: 2.20- Look Who's Stalking
Prompt: What if Kendall wasn’t there when Veronica went to Logan’s room the morning after Alterna-Prom? If angst is your thing, this doesn't have to mean that Logan didn't sleep with her the night before (or someone else for that matter).
Challenge 3- Monthly Theme Challenge
Month: November
Theme: Thanksgiving or thankfulness.
Two options here- you can create a fic, any rating/characters/pairings, involving Thanksgiving specifically, or you could write a story focused on the theme behind the holiday- thankfulness, where a character realizes what they have and how much it means to them.
Challenge 4- Table Challenge
November's Word Table:
(As always, I used this
random word generator to make the table)
Write a fic using at least five of the words in the table (but hey, why not try for all 25?!). Any characters/pairings/ratings are welcome.
And finally:
Challenge 5- DVD Extras
Almost all DVDs now days come with a load of extras for your viewing pleasure, whether it's a blooper reel or a peek at the storyboard. This challenge uses some of those extras as inspiration for fic prompts, and there's a few different ones to choose from.
Deleted Scenes- Write a fic that could be a missing moment from any episode. Maybe Veronica saw Logan and Hannah together at the Winter Carnival (episode 2.13), or Keith and Lianne had a heated argument when she showed up on his doorstep (episode 1.21). The fic has to fit an episode, but since the "scene" never "aired," it doesn't have to necessarily follow canon. There were 64 episodes of the show and a lot of stuff left to our imagination, so the possibilities are almost endless.
Extended Scenes- Take a scene from the show and elaborate where they didn't. What happened after Veronica got off the phone with Keith in the third season opener? What exactly did Logan do after he was thrown into jail at the end of 3.09? There's a little less leeway here because the first part of the fic is practically written for you, but there's still plenty of room to play
Commentary- Write a character's thoughts on any event that unfolded in an episode. How did Mac feel when Parker broke up with Logan? What was Keith thinking when he found out that Veronica helped Duncan escape the FBI? This fic has to be someone's POV about something that occurred in canon, but the character you're writing for didn't necessarily have to be involved with whatever transpired.
Alternate Endings- A chance to really get creative by taking something the show did and twisting it all around. What if Keith had actually been on the plane in 2.22? Or maybe someone else showed up on the videos with Lilly, revealing a killer other than Aaron?
Any character or pairing is welcome for any of these prompts, and all ratings are encouraged (those deleted scenes might have gotten the axe because the FCC would never allow it). Smut. Hint, hint. You can also choose any writing style you want, so don't feel like these should be script format or first person.
So that's Round #3! You've got a little more than two weeks to get those ideas churning before the challenge is open, and remember that we're still accepting Round #2 responses now, and that you should let me know if you need an extension so I can make an official announcement.
Also remember to not post Round #3 responses until November 1st. You can either post the story to this community or simply link to it, and all of the rules still apply. See
this post for guidelines and volunteer betas, should you decide you need one.
And please spread word about Round #3! Feel free to take the banner to advertise it, too. The more the word gets out, the more fic we're likely to receive!
Again, any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to ask here! Thanks!