Oct 18, 2009 21:15
Hey guys, I've been thinking about future challenge prompts and there's a possible one that I'd definitely need feedback on from other writers.
Fanfic Squared would be, basically, fanfiction of fanfiction. This means that (with the author's blessing), a writer would pen a story that plays in someone else's VM universe, just as the original author took the VM writers' work and used it as inspiration. So if someone else has written a story before and you've absolutely loved the VM world they created in their fic, and they're on a list of authors/stories we have permission to use, then you could write your own fic. It could be a what if? fic for their story, or an unofficial sequel, or whatever the original author feels comfortable with.
For example, I'll give the okay for all of my stories, so someone could take what I did in Sexual Jealousy Issues and explore more L/V hangups through sex, or write a story where future Logan visits Veronica or someone else from any point in Like a Rolling Stone.
But if this is ever going to be a challenge, I'd need for writers to offer up their past stories, and I would need other writers who would actually be enthusiastic enough to want to do this. There would definitely be regulations involved; we'd have strict rules about plagiarizing, and maybe the original authors could work as betas if they were more comfortable with that. I'd like to get a feel now to see if this would be possible, numbers wise, so please take the poll. If this were to be a challenge, it'd be some time next year.
Poll Possible Challenge- Fanfic Squared
If you have any further questions or concerns about this possible challenge, please use this post to express them. I'd also appreciate if community members could send out feelers for this with their flist, too, so we get more input from fic writers who aren't following this community.
challenge: fanfic squared,
future challenges