Fruits Basket Analyzed: Shigure Sohma

Mar 15, 2013 09:57

Shigure is one of the main reasons I read Fruits Basket.  I have strong feelings about this character, I just haven’t decided what they are.  Shigure is 27 at the story’s opening and the Dog of the Zodiac [1].  Along with Hatori and Ayame, he is part of the Mabudachi trio and seemingly a composite of the other two personalities [2].  He is one of the main protagonists, as Torhu lives in a small(ish) house with Kyo, Yuki, under the guardianship Shigure.  He is a novelist [3] that writes both serious literature and “trashy romances [4].”  When Torhu meets him, Shigure is funloving and kind [5].  As the story unfolds it is revealed that Shigure is the chess master using Torhu and his cousins in a desperate gambit to free all of them, especially Akito, from the Zodiac curse [6].

[Why People Become the Abuser]Shigure tends to come across as an idiot because his reactions don’t match what’s going on around him.  When Torhu’s tent is discovered Yuki helps her back to his house and gets her food, but Shigure just laughs at her long and hard [7].  Likewise when Yuki falls ill, Shigure finds the situation amusing [8].  The gay act between Shigure and Ayame never fails to get a reaction from the onlooking cousins, be it Yuki and Kyo [9] or Hatori [10].  Lastly, some of my favorite scenes revolve around Shigure flirting with Torhu to the distress of the two younger boys [11].

The goof keeps everyone off balance-typical class clown behavior.  Any class clown worth their salt is trying to inspire a response from their onlookers, and Shigure is no different.  Comedy is also a very safe place, at least for me.  I can control what we’re talking about, how seriously we talk about it, and even what you feel about it.  When you think about it, all you get to do is react, and if I’m good at what I’m doing, you’ll react the way I want.  When someone grows up in a dangerous situation, being in control can be the only safe place.

[You'll be spoiled for the whole story if you read this one]Shigure isn’t always childish-he was the one that secured permission for Torhu to live at his house [12] and the trip to the lake house ended up all being for Hatori’s benefit [13].  When Kyo is raging about his hatred of Yuki, Shigure has the power to unmask the feud.  Despite the efforts of the other cousins, only the oldest Sohma can convince Torhu to rest when she’s sick [14].  Shigure tells Hatori that everything he does to break the curse is done for love of Akito [15], and Yuki remembers many times he comforted her as a crying child [16].  He does much the same when Torhu falls from the cliff and he stays with his guilt-ridden cousin [17].

When you think about it, that’s still controlling behavior.  I hated thinking of myself as being controlling because I thought controlling went hand in hand with cruelty, but it doesn’t need to.  I became a teacher in part so I could control my little world inside the classroom.  I control who enters and exits, how they do it, how things are handed to me, how questions are phrased, every last bit I can.  Likewise, Shigure’s kindness is a gentle form of control.  He had control of where Torhu lived and used that to ensure she had a happy home [18].  When he got sick of the feuding between Yuki and Kyo, Shigure forced Kyo to at least look at the truth behind the fighting (see picture below).  He may rock the boat, but Shigure is a chess master who has calculated the effect of all he does.  Hatori criticizes his cousin for forcing the meeting between Yuki and Akito, but Shigure is certain of the outcome before the two even see each other [19].  This ability to control is one half of the equation giving him the confidence to believe he can break the curse.

The other part of the equation is his cruelty.  Among the Sohma family only Shigure feels confident in teasing Akito, sometimes viciously.  In fact, Hatori [20] and Kureno [21] both rebuke Shigure for his treatment of the young head.  In other words, Shigure likes to beat Akito at her own game.  The whole story is centered around their feud-in chapter 101 we learn the only reason Shigure lives on the outside of the family compound is that he slept with Ren in spite for Akito sleeping with Kureno.  Once again, this is a case of Shigure fighting fire with fire.  All of Shigure’s actions with Akito are a power struggle.  She kicks him out?  Fine.  But he will leave on his terms, and that means taking Yuki [22].  He ignores her at the restaurant, but is waiting when she goes to her room for solitude [23].  Any time Akito seeks affirmation from Shigure she is coldly shot down [24].  Whenever Akito stops seeking Shigre’s attention he is beside her with support and love [25].  The only requirement is that it must be on Shigure’s terms.

My ex was the same way.  He was very sweet and kind to me, just never when I asked for help.  I was often surprised to come home to the sweetest notes or little gifts, but if I called in the middle of the night I was sure to be chewed out then left on my own.  I’m guilty of the same sometimes too, even at my age (wouldn’t you like to know ;) ) When people tell me to do things, I will often wait to follow the instruction because I want to be in control.  For instance, if my brother tells me to “get that for me, will you?”  the answer will almost always be “right after I finish this.”  I may or may not have been in the middle of “this” when he first asked, but you can bet I’m not going to jump up like his little puppy.  The number one biggest restraint for me in not yelling at the students is knowing that if I yell they have control.  Likewise, Shigure’s actions always ensure that he’s in control of what’s going on.

So how does this fit into that central lie?  Abuse teaches people they are impossible to love, and Shigure has embraced this concept.  Early in the series the dog reminds Hatori he is the “filthiest of all [26].”  He tells Rin he is of “low caliber” and means it [27].  One of my favorite chapters is when Rin is fresh out of the cat’s room and Shigure tells her about the cures weakening [28].  It is one of the few times we see the Dog show remorse for his actions to the people affected.  The whole conversation felt like a peace offering for what Rin had to suffer for Shigure not being straightforward.  Right after that Shigure explains the curse of the cat to Torhu, who is shocked at the viciousness of her guardian [29].

It leads me to wonder how many people in the world have accepted that they are awful and don’t even try to be better.  Many people who commit sex crimes are tempted long before they commit the act.  Can you imagine living with that for years?  Every person has struggled with a weakness time and again and found themselves falling short.  Most people still want to believe they are good after that even if they can’t quite accept it.  Some others just accept that they are not good people and move forward confident in the fixed mindset they will always be a bad person no matter what they do.  Shigure is one of those sad souls, I think.  At the summer house Shigure emotionally chastises Hatori for not criticizing him, leading me to think Shigure needs to believe that he has no choice but to be awful [30].  He couldn’t live with himself otherwise.  Hopefully in the upcoming year Torhu and Akito can make him see himself in a kinder light.

I like the happy ending between Shigure and Akito [31], I just can’t make myself believe it will last. Of all the family, I feel like Shigure never broke the abuse curse.  Before the curse broke, he considered himself filthy and of low caliber.  After the curse broke, I think he felt much the same.  At the final banquet there is a moment when Yuki says Shigure hasn’t been around since the curse broke [32] and I always felt he was avoiding our main protagonists.  I hope Akito and Shigure can live happily ever after (past the year shown) but first Shigure will need to stop manipulating her, playing mind games with her, and using infidelity as a weapon.  In my happy place they went to counseling and worked out their issues and then proceeded to live happily ever after.

[1] Volume 1, Chapter 1
[2] Volume 4, Chapter 22
[3] Volume 3, Chapter 16
[4] Volume 2, Chapter 7
[5] Volume 1, Chapter 1
[6] Volume 3, Chapter 16
[7] Volume 1, Chapter 1
[8] Volume 3, Chapter 14
[9] Volume 4, Chapter 21
[10] Volume 5, Chapter 26
[11] Volume 5, Chapter 25
[12] Volume 1, Chapter 2
[13] Volume 5, Chapter 26
[14] Volume 5, Chapter 30
[15] Volume 3, Chapter 16
[16] Volume 15, Chapter 84
[17] Volume 21, Chapter 122
[18] Volume 1, Chapter 6
[19] Volume 10, Chapter 59
[20] Volume 10, Chapter 58
[21] Volume 17, Chapter 101
[22] Volume 6, Chapter 36
[23] Volume 17, Chapter 101
[24] Volume 17, Chapter 100
[25] Volume 17, Chapter 101
[26] Volume 3, Chapter 16
[27] Volume 14, Chapter 78
[28] Volume 18, Chapter 107
[29] Volume 19, Chapter 108
[30] Volume 10, Chapter 59
[31] Volume 23, Chapter 132
[32] Volume 23, Chapter 132

analysis, fruits basket

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