I changed it a little durhur

Mar 27, 2010 23:20

Icon in no way related. Just very adorable.


- Leave me a comment saying "You're pretty good".
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

Here are the questions mellysandshrew asked me! :D

1. Out of all the costumes you've made, what's been your favorite one to wear?

HURK. Not a fair question. I suppose strictly talking about comfort AND general appeal, I'd say Suzie Q.
It's so fricking comfortable and I constantly get mistaken for a lolita TF2 class. Also I was told it makes me look like cake. :D

2. Pick an animal! Any animal! You get to have that animal as a pet, regardless of how exotic/rare/dangerous it may happen to be, and you get all the fixings for it to live a long and happy life. What animal do you pick?

HRMMMM. I'd say a lion. I love all kinds of cats. Small and big, and lions look kinda cozy. Now I'm fantasizing about using a lion as a pillow while napping. D: <3

3. Do you like having background noise when you're working on something? Like music or TV or a movie or something? :U

While actually sewing, I could go either way. When I'm frustrated it helps to have the TV on. When I'm cutting stuff out, I love watching Food Network. I don't know why, really.

4. What's your all time favorite book?

Hrrmmmmm. This is another hard one. Singular book, Paper Towns by John Green.
Series, 100% Harry Potter. I've been a huge fan since 2nd grade when I would read GoF in class and people would accuse me of pretending I was reading it because it was so big. :B

5. What do you think of flamingos?

They're pretty boss. I especially like the plastic lawn ones. :D Now that I think about it, it would be awesome to see one irl. GOD I LOVE THE COLOR PINK.

meme, i'm so stupid

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