[He has spent days behind a locked, iron door, interacting only with those passing by or the damned orderlies. He was restrained like a dog, growing madder and madder as time went by. He has slammed himself into doors and walls just to get the static out of his mind. His efforts were in vain; it's all he can hear now
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And there was the prize, skulking about in such a familiar fashion. Where had he been all this time?
Not important. What was important was doing what he had been aiming to do these past few days. So, with no hesitation, he marches right up to Kaito.]
He doesn't say anything for now. He'll pick up a nearby clipboard, though.]
Hey. I know you know I'm here.
He'll let you know when he's not listening anymore.]
I've had quite a lot of time to think, you know. Of course you know, I told you, unless you were tuning me out like you oh so loved to do, a long time ago. The automated clocks in the facility can't even count any higher it was so long, it's just 999999! All that time, by myself, nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company. But after that long time with my own thoughts, then being shoved over here, I came to a conclusion.
You. Are nothing. You're just another android who happened to get so badly broken that it didn't know what to do with itself and lashed out at everything else within arm's reach, especially everything that wasn't broken like you were. A spoiled child's "If I can't have it, no one can" attitude. And that's what you are. That is why you insult, you bully, you--you--destroy everything you can get your childish little hands on. But you know what it ( ... )
Also, hitting you in the head with the clipboard. Hard.]
Yeah, he's pretty easily smacked aside.]
Exactly what I said. And need I remind you that you're an android too?
[He snaps an arm forward to grab Piko by the throat.]
He chuckles.] You didn't plan this out well enough, did you?
No, no, I have this all planned out. And it's going exactly as planned. Yes. You're doing exactly what I thought you'd do.
[And he winds up-- and throws Piko into the nearest wall.]
[Doesn't recover from that quite as quickly. He's still working on it when he starts talking again.]
P-plan's still in action.
Still talking? That can be fixed.
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