NIN picspam: Young Robin & some guitarist slash

May 05, 2007 19:40

I recently found these and they are of the rare kind. Robin Finck pre and early NIN. He played in a band called Prowess, also was in Impotent Sea Snakes... the guy just... oh well. I shutup. I will not stop praising otherwise and this is for pics so... :P

pre NIN - for one who never showed skin during NIN he sure liked to before. Or maybe it was just the early nineties? :P Also he's insanely young in these, probably somewhere between 18-20

(second to left)

(such a girl... <3)

Pantyhose! Fishnet! *faints*

With NIN cca 1994-1995

Making of March of the pigs

Also, much with the slash:

Trent and Robin back in the day

and Trent and Aaron. (I need to find a Trent/Richard Patrick and the "Trent loves his guitarists" category would be complete :P)

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