Hi there!
No, I've not forgotten this fandom completely!
Here is a little something I found lying around on my hardrive. I fixed it a bit and now I feel like I should somehow finish it. I feel like adding a bit of kings-have-obligations kinda angst in it, but I've already done that in
Edmund wants but can't and won't and I find that kind of a used idea... dunno if I'll ever get the idea I'm looking for for continuing this one, but at least you'll get to see it as it is now. :)
For some reason the sentence I put as the subject (it's so short I don't think it deserves a real name yet) makes me think of naughty things... ah well.
I've missed Narnia and these boys so much!!
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Rating: PG-13
Summary: There is something mature about Edmund and it best shows when he looks at Caspian.
Warnings: slashy thoughts
Timeline: any moment from Prince Caspian onwards I guess, didn't have a specific time in my mind.
It was those eyes, Caspian thought, those dark, intense eyes and the way his gaze never strayed from their target. Of course he was used to being looked at, he was of royal blood, raised to rule a country - but the others would look at him differently: lower than his eyes, or past him, perhaps downwards and then back at him only for a moment, fidgeting, unsure, humble and respectful. As subordinates should be.
But not King Edmund. He is different, equal, and it shows in his actions. When he looks at Caspian, his eyes fix on the other's eyes in an intense, profound look. It feels more like being observed closely than being just looked at. It is captivating.
To say that it unnerves him would be the understatement of the year. It always makes him jumpy and up-tight in the inside. He feels like he can't think or speak properly if those eyes are fixed on him and it is just plain ridiculous. He is older, he shouldn't be the least bit intimidated by this younger man. By this young boy.
But Caspian also recognized the truth that Edmund was not only a boy. No child could wield two swords with the pure skill and experienced smoothness. No child could understand the diplomacy of a conflict so naturally. There is something very mature about Edmund and it best shows in his eyes when he looks at Caspian. They are not the eyes of a young boy. It is not a look of a young boy.
Caspian knows that there's much more in Edmund than what meets the eye and that is what the young telmarine finds so intriguing about this. About him. This young-looking Edmund also is the legendary King Edmund the Just who lived and ruled a lifetime in Narnia thousands of years ago, and that is what makes Caspian tremble under his gaze.