Jun 02, 2010 22:01
- 03:04 RT @wilw I just realized that WTF is just FTW backwards. Think about that for a minute, Internet, and ponder its deeper meaning. #
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May 29, 2010 22:03
- 07:08 @ baphijmm def odd coloring on the peppers - wait till the sunflowers reach full size - they'll be bloody huge :) #
- 20:43 @ tzecco I know!! Isn't it wonderful? #
- 20:48 @ SexCigarsBooze I love that color of lipstick :P #
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May 28, 2010 22:06
- 00:06 I think I prefer the crappy sleep and somewhat happy moods to the utterly crushing depression and sleeping for essentially 36 hours. #
- 17:19 I LOVE IT!!!!! RT @jaberwocky RT @hey_friend: Product Idea: A Dalek shaped loofah with a voice chip that yells "EXFOLIATE! EXFOLIATE!" #
- 17:23 @ martinamcbride probably already been answered but I
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May 27, 2010 22:07
- 00:08 Awake for 21 hrs. Asleep for ~12hrs. Awake for 2.5 hrs. All that and I'm headed back to bed. Yaye for no longer feeling manic. :| #
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