Title: You're My Heartbreaker
Pairing: Sooyoung/Kyuhyun, Sooyoung/Siwon
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
A/N: My second chaptered fanfic :D
The Cho twins, Kyuhyun and Siwon are the most well-known males in Seoul University. Why? They are the most good-looking pair of twins in the school. Oh, and they also are well known for being the Number One Heartbreakers in the school.
That is, until Choi Sooyoung enters the university and turns their lives upside down. When each twin finds out that the other has fallen in love with the same person, sparks fly as neither are willing to give in for the woman that they have deeply fallen for. Will the heartbreakers have their hearts broken instead?
Who would Sooyoung choose in the end?
Chapter 1 - The Newcomer
Upon entering the university, she felt all eyes on her.
"Did you hear? There's a new student transferring over today!" "I heard that she's really intelligent and pretty too!" "Oh look! There she is!" Everyone's eyes turned to stare at the new girl as she walked past.
"Everyone is staring at me, Sica. This is so awkward!" Sooyoung hissed at the girl beside her. "Get used to it, Sooyoung! The new students who come into this university always get this kind of treatment for the first week!" Jessica replied nonchalantly. Sooyoung groaned, quickening her pace to avoid the others stares.
Meanwhile, two boys had also heard about the new girl at school. "Kyuhyun, i heard that the new girl is really smart and good-looking. Have you seen her yet?"
"No, and I'm not interested. Anyway, how could a girl be smart and good-looking at the same time? She's just probably a nerd." Kyuhyun replied.
Siwon frowned at his twin. The twins were known as the "heartthrobs" of the school, and rumor it was that they had broken half of the girls' hearts at school. Though the both of them looked exactly drop-dead handsome alike, their personalities were extremely different. Siwon, who was the more gentlemanly of the two, would politely apolgise to his admirers, while Kyuhyun, who was more impatient and hot tempered, would harshly reject them in front of the school, subjecting them to humiliation. While Siwon was trying his best to get rid of the "bad image" they had garnered in school, Kyuhyun continued his ways.
It had been a long day at school, and Sooyoung was famished: she had bought two plates of rice-cake at the canteen and was now heading to the vending machine to grab a drink. In a hurry, she bumped head-first into someone's chest and all her papers and files dropped onto the floor and scattered everywhere.
"YAH! Watch where you're going, idiot." A voice boomed into her ears.
Sooyoung looked up to face a boy with a devishly handsome face and an extremely toned body. Instantly, she felt her heart beat faster, but upon hearing the word "idiot", she felt herself growing with anger.
"Oh, look who's talking! Since you're the taller one, you have a much larger range of seeing things. I bet you must have been sticking your nose into the air, so you couldn't see that there was actually someone right in front of you!"
Kyuhyun had never been scolded by a girl, much less a newcomer, and thus he was extremely annoyed.
"Oh, so you're the new girl aren't you? Stop trying to act like you've been here for a long time already- its only a day you've been here, so stop being so stuck-up!" With that, Kyuhyun smirked at Sooyoung's dumbfounded face and walked off.
"Ugh! What a jerk." Sooyoung muttered to herself as she bent down, picking up her worksheets. Suddenly, a hand reached out in front of her and passed some papers to her.
"Oh! Thank you so..." Her smiling expression immediately turned into a scowl when she saw face-to-face with Kyuhyun again.
"YOU! You..."
"Thats not a very nice way to thank me for helping you, and that must be my twin Kyuhyun which you saw, and i suppose scolded just now, judging by how angry you are. Nice to meet you, I'm Siwon." Siwon said with a smile.
Immediately, Sooyoung found herself blushing in embarrassment, apologising profusely.
"Apology accepted." Siwon grinned at her, "Shall I bring you around the school?"
A/N: In this fic, Kyuhyun and Siwon are twins. :D Yep so just assume that they look alike.(: