First off...
[02:09] And did I spell crotch right?
[02:09] ah
[02:09] I think so
[02:09] Oh ok...good
[02:09] Though we tend to leave the ball bashing to Peach
[02:10] Women get a +10 to hit and damage for that called hit
[02:10] * AniSae has quit IRC (Quit: )
[02:10] What
[02:10] But I thought Peach was a guy.
[02:10] God I'm so confused
[02:10] XD
[02:10] * Luigi-Man is now known as God
[02:11] well don't be
[02:11] * God is now known as Luigi
[02:11] Man... Izzy's generally the one confused for a guy, not Peach...
Anyway, in other news... I decided to re-install UT2k4 last night. Took only 6 or 7 tries this time. ^_^; Well, after getting it up, I went and sated my bloodlust with a very bad ass raping. It should be known that, for some odd reason, UT2k4 equates "Begginer" to "Person-who-needs-ass-raping." Yeah... fun times last night. Fortunantly tonight was much better, and I was able to actually kick butt. I made Tim give out nice announcments, such as Multi-kill and Killing Spree. Fun to be had in the killing of others in the virtual world.
Lets see... more game talk still here, as I've been playing lots of WoW (Which is trying to download the new patch here right now). I've been having lots of fun with my Druid and all. I also recently created an Undead Mage, which I have a very good idea for a fiction and all.
I also, at a friend's insistance, re-installed City of Heroes. Fortunantly for me and my time, I can't really reactivate my old account just yet. That might not happen until pay day. Either way, not sure how much time will get invested there.
Finally, I'm going to hopefully beable to play some more FF XI. Nikki really wants me to play it some more with her, and I want to too... but I just can't really seem to find the needed... omph or whatever to actually play it again. *sighs* I'll get over this hump or something and play it.
Game talk out of the way, life isn't too bad right now. I've been doing my usual, living life one day at a time. Go to work, work on anime subtitles (Chrono Crusade this week, yay ^_^ ), go home, have dinner, chat with friends, sleep. You get the picture. Not much for me to do inbetween all of that to cause excitment. Oh well.