Currently taking over my mind:
I missed it when it was coming out in the UK, but now BBC America is showing it on Saturdays and I've started getting more into Dr. Who as the seasons have gone on, so what the hell.
And then I promptly had to go track down the entire thing and marathon it over a couple of nights.
The thing is, it's kind of terrible. Doom and gloom and really damned depressing when you think about what's going on with the characters--and no where near enough fun to balance it out. Very melodramatic at times and everything's sexual. I mean, wow. (Also, it kind of makes me cringe whenever they wave their guns around. I think I'm jaded.)
But I am absolutely dying, as in hair-ripping-nail-biting-agony over what's going to happen next season.
::boggles at self:: This must be what it's liked to get hooked on a soap opera.
Except I think I've figured it out: I love pilot episodes. You get thrown into this new world with new people and the information and the plot are coming at you lickety-split and it's just breathless. Everything's new and exciting and who ARE these people and what are they going to do next, how are they going to react, how are they going to relate to each other.
And ALL of season one of Torchwood felt like that. Like the first episode was just the Act 1 of the pilot. Every single episode introduced something new about the characters and their world that made you reinterpret them. So I feel like, now I've got that under my belt: I know who these people are, let's see what they do now.
Which is probably why there's not as much fic (at least, not that I can find). Because it's very hard to get a handle on anyone. Jack, by his very nature, will always be just slightly out of reach. But the others! My god, they just keep throwing layers onto them. Which, in the long run, will probably be amazing. Take Ianto: the depths to that man! But it took till the 4th episode to even see that he was anything but a robot, and I still think you need to see the entire season to get the full picture.
For all the sci-fi and crazy stuff happening, the characters feel very real. This is how meeting someone goes--you have to hang out with them a while before you start finding out about their families and crushes and hopes and dreams and all that.
On the other hand, it's so frustrating in a tv show. Yes, there's plenty of places to go with each character, but there's no where really to start. The things you thought you knew about Gwen at the beginning are being eroded by each episode, so how do you get into her mind to write her?
I think I had another point but it's 5 am and I have homework to be doing when I wake up later today.
Also only vaguely related: I was thinking quite seriously about Yuletide but apparently none of the things I'd feel confident writing in were elected fandoms this year. I was sad. ;.;