i was tagged by
followurdestiny if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question. tag eight people. don't tag who tagged you.
what song are you currently addicted to?
Brave Brothers ft U-Kiss ~ "Finally" (yes, still addicted)
天上智喜 (CSJH/TSZX/TJCK) The Grace ~ "아니기를 (Not To Be)", "天上のメロディー"
MBLAQ ~ "G.O.O.D Luv"
what books are you currently reading?
sadly, none T^T
what's the most enjoyable thing you did today?
sent two e-cards to my mum (one's for my grandma) for mother's day since i can't personally do anything for them.
what is the one skill you wish you had?
not sure if it's a skill, but winking. i can't wink.
what's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
fandom ~ U-Kiss, SHINee, and of course, CSJH
obsession ~ stars
addiction ~ stars, Schweppes Cream Soda, yogurt/calpis sodas, cotton candy ice cream
what's your favourite song to dance to?
hmm . . . not too sure. probably "One More Time, OK?" and "Boomerang" by CSJH. i'm more of a, if-i-like-the-beat-and-music and if-i'm-in-the-mood-for-it kind of person.
what websites do you usually visit when you go online?
email, google, lj, youtube . . . i think that's it
what was the last thing you bought?
June 2010 issue of KERA
who's your obvious bias (from any fandom)?
SuJu: Geng and DongHae
CSJH: Dana
U-Kiss: Alexander and Kevin
SHINee: Onew
i have a lot, but i'll just put those ones for now.
what book would you recommend to friends?
Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Pieces of You by Tablo, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
do you get cravings? if so, what do you crave?
i have TONNES of cravings! chocolate, Pocky, noodles, chips, Cheetos, Calpico, Schweppes Cream Soda ~ just to name a few
what is the worst place you've ever been?
loads. just can't think of any specific ones right now.
what was the last meal you ate?
kinda brunch
do you want to learn another language
Japanese and Korean, though my parents say i should learn to improve my Mandarin, and Chinese overall, first.
six things you can't live without
friends and family
(wow, i can't believe i'm being practical)
apart from your computer, what's in front of you right now?
my mug, my MP3 player, various hairclips, and loose papers
a favourite childhood memory
ooh . . . probably when my mum used to take me and my brother to the playground near our house or when she'd take us to Hillcrest Mall and buy us ice cream (BR Chocolate and Peanut Butter to be exact)
what are you looking forward to?
lots of things (yeah, way to be specific XP)
what are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
go out to buy stuff for my brother (maybe)