"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it."
-Oscar Wilde
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is for
What Does Your Name Mean?
My life has been rated:
See what your rating is!Created by
bart666 I've finally found a use for my spaghetti highway of random thought processes, dreams that speak to me, wonderings and boring day to dayisms.
"Women are made to be loved, not understood."...sometimes it's not even worth trying!
Hey, I'm a 21 year old student at Manchester, pretending to learn English Language and Literature. I'm in my second year, so I guess so far have been able to convince people I know what I'm talking about. I was railroaded into starting this journal by my best friend
thelma_viaduct and now I'm addicted...it's not good! It takes over your life! ;)
I'm also addicted to doing this ;) and this ... so if either bother you I'm not a good person to add!
My journal is generally pretty blah, however I've just discovered the complexities of human nature so I do sometimes go off on a tangent, but don't expect anything profound...I never have been or will be a philosopher...though
thelma_viaduct's and my theories on key-shaped shoe trophy dog collar name-plates and ideas of oxenycastenting have yet to be proved wrong!?! We're just too radical for most to understand!
Ok you've sussed me out I generally talk a lot of random bollocks, "It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information." that's the best kind!
I have another journal at
langlitology, which is where (when I remember) I put all my lecture and seminar notes and English bits and bobs. Very boring to everyone but me I guess, but very useful and a great sleeping aid to any insomniacs out there.
I update and comment loads as I am the worlds best procrastintor and am on here whenever I should be doing something else.
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ I hate labels and obviously don't like to pigeon hole myself into any category. I'm not Pop princess, Goth, Punk, New Age, Drama girl, I'm just me, a patchwork of everything...it works and I'm happy.
♥ I love purple, sparkly, fluffy things preferably all at the same time. Lava lamps, faux fur rugs, Fairy lights, mural painting and designing and creating rooms. I like randomness and spontaneity...sometimes and sometimes I don't make a lot of sense.
♥ Although I am really interested in Feminism I wish I was a teenager in the 60s.
♥ I'm quite domestic and have been compared to Monica from friends, in my old flat I was really quite houseproud, since I moved back to my parents...not so much, I can't even begin to describe my room and am ashamed of it :s
♥ I care a lot. Maybe too much and I worry a lot about other people...but apparently this makes me "...a great friend to have as she'll always be there for you." (I'll pay my friend Vickie later for saying that! ;p)
my chance...also cute, but psycho!
amazing 'Spaced' avatars made by
I can't stand...(I don't do hate though!)...
Being paranoid, Being curious (to a certain extent), Being overweight, Colds and other weird brain cottenyfying illnesses, Broken Promises, Charlotte Church, Football, Paris Hilton, Jumping to conclusions, pretentious people and people who take themselves too seriously, the 'image' obsessed, scallies, people who put others down just to make themselves feel better, Hypocrites, Being shy, research projects, real fur, animal testing, politics, being cold, annoying customers who think they know more about the shop than we do, travel sickness, other people on public transport...especially buses, people sniffing up, not being able to turn back time, not knowing what people really think of me, caring what people really think of me, sport computer games...boring to watch, boring to play, oral presentations, getting up early, not understanding things, dumb celebrities, r'n'b, rap, hospitals, heartache, earache, backache, aches in general, random inexplicable diseases, doctors who hate people, unnessesary surgery, swans, geese, wasps and all other demonic animals that hate me!...the list will probably be added to!