(no subject)

May 31, 2005 17:01

Another petition to help save the manatees! Please, help!

At their last meeting , the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) made two key decisions that could drastically weaken protection for endangered manatees. The commission moved one step closer to downlisting manatees in Florida, and they voted to adopt weak manatee protection zones in Lee County -- the deadliest county for manatees for over a decade -- just to appease extremist boaters' rights groups. Now, more than ever, manatees need your help!

What You Can Do:
Please take a moment to show your support for strong manatee protection. Just click on the links below, which will take you to two online letters (and more background information on each issue) posted at our web site. All you have to do is fill out your name and address, and you will send an e-mail to Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Sam Hamilton, Southeast Regional Director for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on these issues. It's quick and easy!

Issue 1: TAKE NO ACTION on Species’ Reclassifications
The FWCC voted unanimously to adopt amendments to a bad state rule that sets standards for listing and delisting imperiled species. This shameful action with little regard for the welfare of the state’s wildlife could lead to numerous native species being downlisted or delisted before their populations have been recovered. Please ask Governor Bush to urge the FWCC to take no action on species’ reclassifications until a peer review of the listing process is done using expert, qualified scientists from a broad spectrum of the scientific community.

Issue 2: Keep Lee County Federal Zones Intact
The FWCC rejected their own staff's science and unanimously adopted weak manatee protection in Lee County. And, if the state zones are challenged, which is likely, manatees could be unprotected if federal protection is withdrawn. Please ask the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service not to withdraw or weaken its boat speed zones in this area. http://www.savethemanatee.org/fwccleezones.htm

Thank you for your help!
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